{"outside_secondary_contents":[{"id":1,"outside_main_content_id":1,"title_hu":"A kast\u00e9ly egykor","title_en":"The History of the Manor House","description_hu":"Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r telep\u00fcl\u00e9s a 13. sz\u00e1zadban m\u00e1r v\u00e1s\u00e1ros hely volt. A t\u00f6r\u00f6k uralom idej\u00e9n azonban teljesen megsemmis\u00fclt. Az 1730-as \u00e9vekben a Beniczky S\u00e1ndor tulajdon\u00e1ban l\u00e9v\u0151 birtokon majors\u00e1gi k\u00f6zpont m\u0171k\u00f6d\u00f6tt. Amikor a Brunszvik-csal\u00e1dhoz ker\u00fclt, el\u0151sz\u00f6r csak mint b\u00e9rl\u0151kh\u00f6z, majd tulajdonosk\u00e9nt a megl\u00e9v\u0151 fatornyos kis k\u00e1polna hely\u00e9re templomot emeltetett. 1774\u20131777 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt Jung J\u00f3zsef tervei alapj\u00e1n \u00e9p\u00fclt meg a barokk katolikus templom, melynek szerves r\u00e9sze lett a k\u00e9s\u0151bb, m\u00e1r az ifjabb Brunszvik Antal, pontosabban feles\u00e9ge b\u00e1r\u00f3 Seeberg Anna szem\u00e9lyes ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1val \u00e9p\u00edttetett f\u00f6ldszintes barokk kast\u00e9ly. A kast\u00e9ly meg\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9se el\u0151tt egy kisebb majors\u00e1gi hatszob\u00e1s, h\u00e1romkonyh\u00e1s \u00e9p\u00fclet \u00e1llt a helyen. Minden bizonnyal ezt az \u00e9p\u00fcletet \u00e9s az uradalom m\u00e1s \u00e9p\u00fcleteit \u00e9p\u00edtett\u00e9k egybe \u00e9s alak\u00edtott\u00e1k \u00e1t 1784-85 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt Tallherr J\u00f3zsef udvari \u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9sz tervei alapj\u00e1n. A barokk \u00e9p\u00fclet templom fel\u0151li sz\u00e1rnya volt a \u201en\u0151i r\u00e9sz\u201d, a t\u00e1volabbi pedig a f\u00e9rfiak\u00e9. \r\n1793-ban ifj. Brunszvik Antal elhunyt. K\u00e9s\u0151bb, 1807-ben fia, Ferenc vette \u00e1t a birtok ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1t. Azonnal megkezdte a gazdas\u00e1g megreform\u00e1l\u00e1s\u00e1t, mely rengeteg p\u00e9nzt em\u00e9sztett fel, \u00edgy a kast\u00e9ly korszer\u0171s\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9re is csak j\u00f3val k\u00e9s\u0151bb, 1822 ut\u00e1n ker\u00fclt sor. A barokk kast\u00e9lyt klasszicista st\u00edlusban \u00e9p\u00edtett\u00e9k \u00e1t, emeletet h\u00faztak fel \u00e9s megtoldott\u00e1k egy k\u00e9pt\u00e1rral is 1822\u00ac\u201334 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt. \r\nAz 1848-49-es szabads\u00e1gharc idej\u00e9n hadik\u00f3rh\u00e1znak rendezt\u00e9k be.\r\n1875 t\u00e1j\u00e1n Ferenc fia, G\u00e9za ny\u00falt ism\u00e9t a kast\u00e9lyhoz \u00e9s (angol) neog\u00f3t st\u00edlus\u00fav\u00e1 alak\u00edttatta \u00e1t, melyet 1893-ban J\u00f3zsef f\u0151herceg megv\u00e1s\u00e1rolt \u00e9s k\u00e9s\u0151bb 1897-ben a s\u00f6rgy\u00e1ros Dreher Antalnak adta el. Dreher 1945-ig birtokolta a kast\u00e9lyt. Dr\u00e9her Jen\u0151, jelent\u0151s \u00e1talak\u00edt\u00e1sokat v\u00e9geztetett rajta. A m\u00e1sodik vil\u00e1gh\u00e1bor\u00fa alatt a szovjet hadsereg hadik\u00f3rh\u00e1zat rendezett be az \u00e9p\u00fcletben. 1949-t\u0151l az Agrobiol\u00f3giai Int\u00e9zet, majd 1953-ban az MTA Mez\u0151gazdas\u00e1gi Kutat\u00f3 Int\u00e9zete telep\u00fclt ide. 1958-ban megnyitotta kapuit a Beethoven Eml\u00e9km\u00fazeum.\r\n","description_en":"Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r was a market place as early as in the 13th century. However, it was completely destroyed during Turkish rule. In the 1730s, the estate with a farm house was owned by S\u00e1ndor Beniczky. When the Brunszvik family took over the estate, first as tenants and then owners, the small chapel was replaced by a church. First, the Baroque Catholic Church, designed by J\u00f3zsef Jung, was built between 1774 and 1777 an addition of which was the one-storey Baroque mansion built under the personal control of Antal Brunszvik Jr. and his wife Baroness Anna Seeberg in place of a six-room, three-kitchen building. Certainly, the farmstead and other buildings of the manor were built together and reconstructed between 1784 and 1785 according to the plans of J\u00f3zsef Tallherr court architect. The wing of the Baroque building closer to the church was the \u2018female section\u2019 and the farther one was used by the men. Antal Brunszvik Jr. died in 1793. Later, in 1807, his son, Ferenc took over the estate. He immediately began to reform the homestead, which consumed a lot of money, accordingly the modernized of the mansion was put off till much later, after 1822. The Baroque mansion was rebuilt in a Classicist style, adding a second storey and an art gallery between 1822 and 1834. At the time of the 1848-49 War of Independence it building was used as a military hospital. Around 1875, the son of Ferenc, G\u00e9za was the next one to rebuild the manor house again, redesigning it into English neo-Gothic style. In 1893, the Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r estate became the property of Archduke Joseph, who renovated it in 1896 and then sold it to the Dreher family the following year, who were the owner until 1945. Jen\u0151 Dreher had the manor reconstructed. The building was used during World War II by the Soviet army as a military hospital. It was used by the Agrobiology Institute after 1949, and then \u2013 as of 1953 \u2013 by the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Beethoven Museum was founded in 1958.","images":[{"image_id":1,"image_title_hu":"Id\u0151sebb Brunszvik Antal t\u00e9rk\u00e9pv\u00e1zlata 1777-b\u0151l","image_title_en":"The map of Antal Brunszvik Sr. from 1777","image_name":"1.1.1.jpg"},{"image_id":2,"image_title_hu":"A Brunszvik-Dreher-kast\u00e9ly 1898 k\u00f6r\u00fcl (Kl\u00f6sz Gy\u00f6rgy felv\u00e9tele)","image_title_en":"The Brunszvik-Dreher Manor in around 1898 (picture of Gy\u00f6rgy Kl\u00f6sz)","image_name":"1.1.2.jpg"},{"image_id":3,"image_title_hu":"A kast\u00e9ly l\u00e9pcs\u0151h\u00e1za 1898 k\u00f6r\u00fcl (Kl\u00f6sz Gy\u00f6rgy felv\u00e9tele)","image_title_en":"The Manor\u2019s staircase in around 1898 (picture of Gy\u00f6rgy Kl\u00f6sz)","image_name":"1.1.3.jpg"},{"image_id":4,"image_title_hu":"A kast\u00e9ly (Mez\u0151gazdas\u00e1gi Kutat\u00f3 Int\u00e9zet) 1968-ban","image_title_en":"The Manor (Agricultural Research Institute) in 1968","image_name":"1.1.4.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":2,"outside_main_content_id":1,"title_hu":"Love story","title_en":"Love story","description_hu":"Ter\u00e9z, Jozefin vagy Giulietta?\r\n1799 m\u00e1jus\u00e1ban b\u00e1r\u00f3 Seeberg Anna Ter\u00e9zzel \u00e9s Jozefinnel (24 \u00e9s 20 \u00e9vesek) B\u00e9csbe utazott, hogy a l\u00e1nyok zongoratanulm\u00e1nyaikat elm\u00e9ly\u00edts\u00e9k. Anyjuk titokban k\u00e9r\u0151kben rem\u00e9nykedett. A k\u00e9t l\u00e1nyban m\u00e9ly nyomokat hagyott a r\u00f6vid, tizennyolc nap \u00e9s Beethoven, aki v\u00e1llalta a tan\u00edt\u00e1sukat.\r\n\u201eEkkor k\u00f6t\u00f6tt\u00fck meg Beethovennel azt a bens\u0151 sz\u00edvb\u00e9li bar\u00e1ts\u00e1got, amely \u00e9lete v\u00e9g\u00e9ig tartott\u2026\u201d \u2013 \u00edrta napl\u00f3j\u00e1ban Brunszvik Ter\u00e9z.\r\n\u201e Lelkem rajongott \u00d6n\u00e9rt, m\u00e9g miel\u0151tt megismertem\u201d \u2013 mes\u00e9lte \u00e9vekkel k\u00e9s\u0151bb Jozefin.\r\nMiel\u0151tt hazautaztak Joseph Deym gr\u00f3f megk\u00e9rte Jozefin kez\u00e9t, akit anyja r\u00e1k\u00e9nyszer\u00edtett arra, hogy igent mondjon, gazdag f\u00e9rjet rem\u00e9lve. J\u00faniust\u00f3l Jozefin m\u00e1r B\u00e9csben maradt f\u00e9rj\u00e9vel. Beethoven gyakori vend\u00e9g volt a h\u00e1zukban. Itt ismerte meg Beethoven Giulietta Guicciardit, Jozefin unokatestv\u00e9r\u00e9r (1800). A felt\u0171n\u0151en sz\u00e9p \u00e9s csinos, akkor m\u00e9g csak 16 \u00e9ves Giulietta berobbant a b\u00e9csi szalonok vil\u00e1g\u00e1ba. A muzik\u00e1lis \u00e9s kac\u00e9r sz\u00e9ps\u00e9g \u00f3r\u00e1kat vett Beethovent\u0151l. A zenek\u00f6lt\u0151 l\u00e1ngra lobbant \u00e9s az \u00e9rz\u00e9seit a l\u00e1ny is viszonozta. Eml\u00e9k\u00e9t \u0151rzi a cisz-moll (op.27. no.2.) ismertebb nev\u00e9n a Holdf\u00e9nyszon\u00e1ta, Giuliett\u00e1nak aj\u00e1nlva. A l\u00e1ny azonban nemsok\u00e1ra hozz\u00e1ment Robert Gallenberg gr\u00f3fhoz \u00e9s N\u00e1polyba k\u00f6lt\u00f6z\u00f6tt.\r\nJozefin kor\u00e1n meg\u00f6zvegy\u00fclt. 1804-ben, Beethoven a fiatal n\u00e9gygyermekes \u00f6zvegyet \u00fajra l\u00e1tja, s a \u201erem\u00e9ny kapuj\u00e1t l\u00e1tja megny\u00edlni\u201d. \r\nKapcsolatuk szorosabbra fordult, de nem lehetett nyilv\u00e1nos. Beethoven minden m\u00e1snap elment Jozefinhez \u00e9s zongoraleck\u00e9ket adott neki. A kapcsolatuk nem v\u00e9gz\u0151dhetett volna happy end-del, mert Jozefin elvesztette volna gy\u00e1ms\u00e1gi jog\u00e1t a gyermekei felett. \u00cdgy gy\u0151z\u00f6tt a t\u00e1rsadalmi \u00e9s erk\u00f6lcsi konvenci\u00f3. Beethoven hi\u00e1ba volt m\u00e1r akkor a zene fejedelme, m\u00e9giscsak k\u00f6zember volt.\r\n1827 ben Beethoven hal\u00e1l\u00e1t k\u00f6vet\u0151 napon tal\u00e1lj\u00e1k meg az \u00e9rdekes ceruz\u00e1val \u00edrt leveleket, \u201eA Hallhatatlan Kedves\u201d c\u00edmz\u00e9ssel egy titkos fi\u00f3kban. Megkezd\u0151dik a tal\u00e1lgat\u00e1s. Vajon ki lehetett a c\u00edmzett?\r\nA Deym csal\u00e1d sok\u00e1ig, hogy d\u00e9danyjuk eml\u00e9k\u00e9t v\u00e9dj\u00e9k, maguk is Ter\u00e9zre terelt\u00e9k a figyelmet.\r\nFelmer\u00fclt a kutat\u00f3k, tal\u00e1lgat\u00f3k k\u00f6z\u00f6tt Amalie Seebald \u00e9nekesn\u0151, Therese Malfatti, Beethoven orvos\u00e1nak a l\u00e1nya, Franz Brentanon keresked\u0151 feles\u00e9ge Antonie \u00e9s Erd\u0151dyn\u00e9 Niszky M\u00e1ria gr\u00f3fn\u0151, Beethoven bizalmas\u00e1nak a neve is. \r\nJozefin legkisebb gyermeke a tal\u00e1nyos nev\u0171 Minona (ford\u00edtva:Anonim), kilenc h\u00f3nappal a lev\u00e9l meg\u00edr\u00e1sa ut\u00e1n sz\u00fcletett. \u00dagy v\u00e9lik gr\u00f3f Stackelberg sejthette, \u00e9s ez\u00e9rt vitte el B\u00e9csb\u0151l. Ter\u00e9z szerint rendk\u00edv\u00fcl muzik\u00e1lis volt, fekete, nem sz\u00e9p, kiskor\u00e1t\u00f3l vez\u00e9regy\u00e9nis\u00e9g\u2026\r\n","description_en":"Teresa, Josephine or Giulietta? In May 1799, baroness Anna Seeberg took her two daughters, Theresa and Josephine to Vienna to continue learning to play the piano and to find husbands for the 20 and 20 years old girls. During this short stay of eighteen days the girls made good friends with Beethoven, who undertook to teach them. Josephine was an enthusiastic admirer of Beethoven even before they first met. Before the girls returned home, count Joseph Deym proposed to Josephine. She was forced by her mother to say yes, hoping for a rich husband. From June, Josephine stayed with her husband in Vienna. Beethoven was a frequent guest in their house. Here Beethoven met Giulietta Guicciardit, the cousin of Josephine. The strikingly beautiful and pretty, then only 16-year-old Giulietta burst into the world of Viennese salons. The musical and flirtish beauty took lessons from Beethoven. The Maestro had an infatuation for Giulietta and his love met with response. Her memory is preserved by the dedication of the piano sonata Op. 27 No. 2, better known as the \u2018Moonlight Sonata\u2019. However, Giulietta soon married count Robert Gallenberg and moved to Naples. Josephine was widowed early. In 1804, Beethoven met the young widow with four children again, which opened the door to\u00a0a new\u00a0hope. Their relationship became closer, but it couldn't be made public. Beethoven visited Josephine every other day and gave her piano lessons. Their relationship could not have ended with a happy end, because Josephine would have lost her guardianship rights over her children. That is how social and moral conventions won. Even though Beethoven was the prince of music at that time, he was only a person of no rank. In 1827, after Beethoven's death, a letter without an addressee was found in a hidden drawer, known as \u2018the letter to the Immortal Beloved\u2019. Guessing started: who could be the addressee? The Deym family, to protect their grandmother's memory, also claimed that it must have been Theresa. The names emerged included Amalie Seebald singer, Therese Malfatti, the daughter of Beethoven's doctor, Franz Brentanon's wife, Antonie and countess M\u00e1ria Niszky, the confidant of Beethoven. The smallest child of Josephine called Minona was born nine months after the letter was written. It is assumed that count Stackelberg knew the truth and this was the reason why he took the child from Vienna. Theresa said the girl was very musical, she was not a beauty but was a leader from a very young age...","images":[{"image_id":5,"image_title_hu":"Beethoven","image_title_en":"Beethoven","image_name":"1.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":6,"image_title_hu":"Brunszvik Jozefin","image_title_en":"Josephine Brunszvik","image_name":"1.2.2.jpg"},{"image_id":7,"image_title_hu":"Beethoven levele a \u201eHalhatatlan Kedves\u201d-hez","image_title_en":"Beethoven\u2019s letter \u2018to the Immortal Beloved\u2019","image_name":"1.2.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":3,"outside_main_content_id":1,"title_hu":"Beethoven Eml\u00e9km\u00fazeum","title_en":"Beethoven Museum","description_hu":"A Beethoven Eml\u00e9km\u00fazeum l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1s\u00e1nak gondolata m\u00e1r 1927-ben, a zeneszer\u0151 hal\u00e1l\u00e1nak 100. \u00e9vfordul\u00f3j\u00e1n felmer\u00fclt. De csak 30 \u00e9vvel k\u00e9s\u0151bb val\u00f3sulhatott meg. A Magyar Nemzet has\u00e1bjain 1957. december 14-\u00e9n jelent meg K\u00f6rnyei Elek toll\u00e1b\u00f3l a v\u00e1rva v\u00e1rt h\u00edr: \u201eBeethoven-eml\u00e9km\u00fazeum lesz Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1ron.\u201d A Fej\u00e9r Megyei Tan\u00e1cs Idegenforgalmi Hivatala \u00e1ltal l\u00e9tes\u00edtett Beethoven Eml\u00e9km\u00fazeum v\u00e9g\u00fcl 1958 j\u00fanius 22-\u00e9n ny\u00edlt meg, melynek ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1t Major Ervin zenet\u00f6rt\u00e9n\u00e9sz rendezte. Az akkor l\u00e9trej\u00f6tt gy\u0171jtem\u00e9ny a sz\u00e9kesfeh\u00e9rv\u00e1ri Istv\u00e1n Kir\u00e1ly M\u00fazeum \u00e1lland\u00f3 ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sak\u00e9nt a Magyar Tudom\u00e1nyos Akad\u00e9mia Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1ri Mez\u0151gazdas\u00e1gi Kutat\u00f3 Int\u00e9zet\u00e9ben, a Brunszvik-kast\u00e9lyban, az \u00e9p\u00fclet legr\u00e9gebben meg\u00e9p\u00edtett r\u00e9sz\u00e9ben kapott helyet. A megnyit\u00f3t az \u00c1llami Hangversenyzenekar esti koncertje tette \u00fcnnep\u00e9lyess\u00e9. 1973-ban a Fej\u00e9r Megyei M\u00fazeumok Igazgat\u00f3s\u00e1ga \u00faj\u00edtotta fel a kil\u00e1t\u00f3helyet. 1987-ben Brunszvik Karolin francia lesz\u00e1rmazottai a de G\u00e9rando-testv\u00e9rek festm\u00e9nyt adom\u00e1nyoztak a m\u00fazeumnak, mely magyar \u0151s\u00fcket \u00e9s valamelyik testv\u00e9r\u00e9t, Ter\u00e9zt, vagy Jozefint \u00e1br\u00e1zolja. 1988-ban az \u00faj fel\u00fcgyel\u0151, az MTA Zenetudom\u00e1nyi Int\u00e9zete b\u0151v\u00edtette a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3teret. Az \u00faj ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s megnyit\u00f3j\u00e1ra 1989 j\u00falius 8-\u00e1n ker\u00fclt sor, melyen a de G\u00e9rando-testv\u00e9rek is tisztelet\u00fcket tett\u00e9k. A t\u00e1rlatot Falvy Zolt\u00e1n zenet\u00f6rt\u00e9n\u00e9sz \u00e9s \u00dcvegesn\u00e9 Horny\u00e1k M\u00e1ria rendezte. A m\u00fazeum Beethoven relikvi\u00e1kat \u0151riz, \u00e9s bemutatja a kast\u00e9ly korabeli hangulat\u00e1t, a Brunszvik-csal\u00e1d jeles tagjait. ","description_en":"The idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a Beethoven Museum dates back to 1927, the 100th anniversary of the composer\u2019s death. However, it could only be realised 30 years later. Elek K\u00f6rnyei published the news on establishing a Beethoven Museum in Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r in the newspaper Magyar Nemzet on 14 December 1957. The Beethoven Museum, established by the Tourism Office of the Fej\u00e9r County Council, was finally opened on June 22, 1958, and was created by Ervin Major, music historian. The collection is a permanent exhibition of the King Stephen Museum in Sz\u00e9kesfeh\u00e9rv\u00e1r, and is hosted by the oldest part of the Brunszvik Manor House at the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r. The opening was made solemn by the State Concert Orchestra's evening concert. In 1973, the Directorate of Fej\u00e9r County Museums renewed the exhibition venue. In 1987, the French descendants of Caroline Brunszvik, the de G\u00e9rando brothers donated a picture to the museum, depicting their Hungarian ancestor and one of his sisters, Therese or Josephine. In 1988, the new supervisor, the Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, expanded the exhibition space. The opening of the new exhibition took place on July 8, 1989, which was visited by the de G\u00e9rando brothers as well. The exhibition was created by Zolt\u00e1n Falvy music historian and M\u00e1ria \u00dcveges-Horny\u00e1k. The museum preserves Beethoven relics and presents the contemporary atmosphere of the Manor, the prominent members of the Brunszvik family.","images":[{"image_id":8,"image_title_hu":"Beethoven hajf\u00fcrtje a ki\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sban","image_title_en":"A tuft of Beethoven's hair ","image_name":"1.3.1.jpg"},{"image_id":9,"image_title_hu":"Korabeli enteri\u0151r","image_title_en":"Contemporary interior","image_name":"1.3.2.jpg"},{"image_id":10,"image_title_hu":"Ter\u00e9z \u00e9s Karolin (Ismeretlen fest\u0151 alkot\u00e1sa)","image_title_en":"Theresa and Caroline (unknown painter)","image_name":"1.3.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":4,"outside_main_content_id":2,"title_hu":"Kincset \u00e9r\u0151 h\u00e1rsfa","title_en":"Linden tree: worth its weight in gold","description_hu":"A h\u00e1rsf\u00e1k j\u00f3 m\u00e9zel\u0151k, nekt\u00e1rjukat a m\u00e9hek el\u0151szeretettel, gy\u0171jtik. A h\u00e1rsm\u00e9z \u00e9rt\u00e9kes, er\u0151s illat\u00fa m\u00e9zfajta, s mivel ezeket a f\u00e1kat nem permetezik gyakorlatilag vegyszermentes term\u00e9k. \nA kislevel\u0171 \u00e9s a nagylevel\u0171 h\u00e1rs vir\u00e1gzat\u00e1t a fellev\u00e9llel egy\u00fctt j\u00fanius folyam\u00e1n sz\u00e1raz, napos id\u0151ben gy\u0171jtik te\u00e1nak. A gy\u0171jt\u00e9s idej\u00e9nek megv\u00e1laszt\u00e1sa nagyon fontos, mert sem a m\u00e9g z\u00e1rt bimb\u00f3, sem a t\u00falny\u00edlott vir\u00e1g nem alkalmas j\u00f3 min\u0151s\u00e9g\u0171 alapanyagnak. Akkor megfelel\u0151 az id\u0151pont, ha a k\u00f6z\u00e9ps\u0151 vir\u00e1gok m\u00e1r kiny\u00edltak, a sz\u00e9ls\u0151k m\u00e9g csak feslenek. Te\u00e1j\u00e1t megh\u0171l\u00e9s, k\u00f6h\u00f6g\u00e9s ellen javalj\u00e1k. Az ez\u00fcst h\u00e1rs vir\u00e1gzata allerg\u00e9n sz\u0151r\u00f6z\u00f6tts\u00e9ge miatt, nem alkalmas te\u00e1nak.\nA h\u00e1rsak f\u00e1ja is igen \u00e9rt\u00e9kes, mivel viszonylag puha \u00e9s egyenletes\nszerkezet\u0171, minden ir\u00e1nyb\u00f3l j\u00f3l faraghat\u00f3, megmunk\u00e1l\u00e1sa sor\u00e1n reped\u00e9sre kev\u00e9sb\u00e9 hajlamos. A fatest vil\u00e1goss\u00e1rg\u00e1s sz\u00edn\u0171, faszobrok, faragv\u00e1nyok k\u00e9sz\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9re kiv\u00e1l\u00f3an megfelel. A h\u00e1rs fiatal vessz\u0151ib\u0151l kosarakat fonnak. Szenes\u00edtett f\u00e1ja kiv\u00e1l\u00f3 rajzsz\u00e9n.\nA n\u00e9phiedelem a magyar t\u00f6rt\u00e9nelem sz\u00e1mos nagy alakj\u00e1hoz t\u00e1rs\u00edtotta a h\u00e1rsf\u00e1t, t\u00f6bbek k\u00f6z\u00f6tt M\u00e1ty\u00e1s kir\u00e1lyhoz, Zr\u00ednyihez, R\u00e1k\u00f3czihoz.\nhttps:\/\/evfaja.okotars.hu\/\n","description_en":"Linden tree is a melliferous\u00a0plants, its nectar is preferred by the bees. Linden honey is a valuable honey with a strong scent, and is chemical-free since these trees are not sprayed. The inflorescences of small-leaved and large-leaved linden, together with the bract, are collected for tea during dry, sunny days. Choosing the right time for collection is very important, because neither the closed buds nor the fully open flower are suitable for high quality product. The time is right when the middle flowers are already open, the external ones are just opening. The tea is recommended for cold and cough. Silver linden inflorescence is not suitable for tea due to the hairs causing allergy. The wood with relatively soft and even texture is very valuable and can be carved from any direction without cracking. The light yellow wood is perfect for making wooden sculptures and carvings. The young branches are used for weaving baskets. The carbonated wood is excellent as charcoal pencil. Hungarian folklore has associated the linden tree with many of the great figures of Hungarian history, including King Matthias, Zr\u00ednyi, and R\u00e1k\u00f3czi. https:\/\/evfaja.okotars.hu\/","images":[{"image_id":11,"image_title_hu":"Kislevel\u0171 h\u00e1rs vir\u00e1gzata","image_title_en":"Flower of small-leaved linden","image_name":"2.1.1.jpg"},{"image_id":12,"image_title_hu":"Az ez\u00fcsth\u00e1rs allergi\u00e1t okoz\u00f3 vir\u00e1gzata","image_title_en":"Silver linden inflorescence causing allergy","image_name":"2.1.2.jpg"},{"image_id":13,"image_title_hu":"A fels\u0151mocsol\u00e1di \u00f6reg h\u00e1rs volt 2011-ben az Eur\u00f3pai \u00c9v F\u00e1ja\n","image_title_en":"In 2011, the old linden in Fels\u0151mocsol\u00e1d was the European Tree of the Year","image_name":"2.1.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":5,"outside_main_content_id":2,"title_hu":"A \u201eH\u00e1rsfak\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g\u201d","title_en":"The Republic of Linden Tree Circle","description_hu":"Brunszvik Ferenc 1810-ben b\u00edzta meg Henrich Nebbient a kast\u00e9ly parkj\u00e1nak megtervez\u00e9s\u00e9vel. Az angolkert akkoriban \u00fajdons\u00e1gnak sz\u00e1m\u00edtott n\u00e1lunk. Apjuk, ifj. Brunszvik Antal f\u00e1k ir\u00e1nti szeretet\u00e9ben a Brunszvik-l\u00e1nyok is osztoztak, maguk is gyarap\u00edtott\u00e1k az \u00e1llom\u00e1nyt. Az angolkertek b\u0151velkedtek a szentiment\u00e1lis elemekben: k\u00ednai teah\u00e1z, antik, templom, egyiptomi piramis. A Brunszvik-park egyik ilyen eleme a Ter\u00e9z \u00e1ltal apjuk tisztelet\u00e9re \u00e1ll\u00edtott obeliszk volt. Hasonl\u00f3t tervezett Beethoven sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra is, akkoriban az \u00e9l\u0151kr\u0151l is megeml\u00e9keztek ilyen form\u00e1ban. \r\nA m\u00e1sik szentiment\u00e1lis elem, mely j\u00f3l t\u00fckr\u00f6zi Ter\u00e9z lelk\u00fclet\u00e9t, az \u00fan. \u201eH\u00e1rsfak\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g\u201d volt. Sz\u00e1mos bar\u00e1tjukat, \u00edgy Beethovent is felvett\u00e9k a tagok k\u00f6z\u00e9, azaz a kertben kialak\u00edtott h\u00e1rsfak\u00f6r\u00f6nd egyik tagja az \u0151 nev\u00e9t kapta. \u201eBeethoven elj\u00f6tt Bud\u00e1ra, elj\u00f6tt Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1rra \u00e9s mi felvett\u00fck abba a kis k\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1gba, melynek csupa kiv\u00e1lasztott f\u00e9rfi \u00e9s asszony volt a tagja. Egy kerek t\u00e9rs\u00e9get magas, nemes h\u00e1rsf\u00e1kkal \u00fcltett\u00fcnk be; minden fa egy-egy tagnak nev\u00e9t viselte, \u00e9s ha egyik-m\u00e1sik nagy f\u00e1jdalmunkra volt t\u00e1vol is, m\u00e9gis besz\u00e9lgett\u00fcnk e jelk\u00e9peikkel, \u00f6r\u00f6met s okul\u00e1st mer\u00edtve szavaikb\u00f3l\u2026\u201d, \u00edrta napl\u00f3j\u00e1ban, 1800 m\u00e1jus\u00e1ban.\r\nEnnek eml\u00e9k\u00e9t \u0151rzi ez a kislevel\u0171 h\u00e1rs, a park egyik legid\u0151sebb f\u00e1ja.\r\n","description_en":"In 1810, Ferenc Brunszvik commissioned Henrich Nebbient to design the Manor\u2019s park. A landscape garden was a novelty at that time. Just like their father Antal Brunszvik Jr., the Brunszvik girls was also obsessed by and planted trees. Landscape gardens abound in sentimental elements: Chinese tea houses, antique objects, churches, Egyptian pyramids. One such element in the Brunszvik Park was the obelisk set by Therese in honour of their father. She also designed a similar one for Beethoven. The other sentimental element, which is a good reflection of Therese\u2019s spirit, is the so-called \u2018Republic of Linden Tree Circle\u2019. Many of their friends, including Beethoven, were included in the membership, which meant that a tree was named after each member. \u2018Beethoven came to Buda, came to Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r, and we admitted him to this little republic of chosen men and women. We planted a round area with tall, noble linden trees; each tree bearing the name of a member. And if any of these members was away, yet we talked with these symbols, drawing joy and doctrine from their words\u2026\u2019 she wrote in her diary in May 1800. This memory is preserved by this small-leaved linden, one of the oldest trees in the park.","images":[{"image_id":14,"image_title_hu":"A \u201eH\u00e1rsfak\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g\u201d utols\u00f3 tagja napjainkban","image_title_en":"The last members of the \u2018Republic of Linden Tree Circle\u2019 today","image_name":"2.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":15,"image_title_hu":"A \u201eH\u00e1rsfak\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g\u201d utols\u00f3 tagja 1898 k\u00f6r\u00fcl","image_title_en":"The last members of the \u2018Republic of Linden Tree Circle\u2019 in around 1898","image_name":"2.2.2.jpg"},{"image_id":16,"image_title_hu":"A \u201eH\u00e1rsfak\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g\u201d utols\u00f3 tagja \u00e9vtizedekkel ezel\u0151tt","image_title_en":"The last members of the \u2018Republic of Linden Tree Circle\u2019 decades ago","image_name":"2.2.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":6,"outside_main_content_id":3,"title_hu":"A Brunszvikok parkja ","title_en":"The Brunszvik Park","description_hu":"A t\u00f6r\u00f6k uralom alatt elpusztult martonv\u00e1s\u00e1ri birtokon, miut\u00e1n 1770-ben id. Brunszvik Antal tulajdon\u00e1ba ker\u00fclt, nagyszab\u00e1s\u00fa v\u00edzrendez\u00e9si munk\u00e1k \u00e9s f\u00e1s\u00edt\u00e1s kezd\u0151d\u00f6tt. El\u0151sz\u00f6r a kast\u00e9ly el\u0151tti d\u00edszkertet majd a kast\u00e9ly m\u00f6g\u00f6tti parkot alak\u00edtott\u00e1k ki l\u00e9p\u00e9sr\u0151l-l\u00e9p\u00e9sre.\r\nAz angolkertre jellemz\u0151 elemeket (kanyarg\u00f3s \u00f6sv\u00e9nyek, t\u00e1gas p\u00e1zsitok, fest\u0151ien elrendezett fa- \u00e9s bokorcsoportok) nagy val\u00f3sz\u00edn\u0171s\u00e9g szerint Heinrich Nebbien tervei alapj\u00e1n alak\u00edtott\u00e1k ki, 1810 ut\u00e1n. \r\n\u201eReggel s\u00e9t\u00e1t tettem a parkban, melyet a gr\u00f3f a kontinensen \u00e1ltal\u00e1ban angolnak nevezett st\u00edlusban k\u00e9peztetett ki; ebben a st\u00edlusban az a felfog\u00e1s \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes\u00fcl, hogy a m\u0171v\u00e9szet nem szor\u00edthatja ki a term\u00e9szetet. Gy\u00f6ny\u00f6r\u0171 tavaszi reggel volt. K\u00f6r\u00fcl\u00f6ttem minden Angli\u00e1ra eml\u00e9keztetett, olyannyira, hogy szinte haz\u00e1mban k\u00e9pzeltem magamat.\u201d \u2013 \u00edrta Richard Bright, 1815-ben, miut\u00e1n a Brunszvik-csal\u00e1dn\u00e1l vend\u00e9geskedett.\r\nT\u00f6bb feljegyz\u00e9s is arr\u00f3l tan\u00faskodik, hogy faiskol\u00e1t is m\u0171k\u00f6dtetek a birtokon, de m\u00e1s uradalmakb\u00f3l is szereztek be k\u00fcl\u00f6nleges fafajokat.\r\nA parkban ma is l\u00e1that\u00f3 k\u0151padokat az 1820-as \u00e9vekben helyezt\u00e9k ki. Ekkor k\u00e9t sziget is volt a tavon.\r\nAz 1850-es \u00e9vekben a d\u00e9li vas\u00fat kett\u00e9v\u00e1gta a birtokot, \u00e9szaki r\u00e9sz\u00e9t ett\u0151l kezdve elhanyagolt\u00e1k. Egy alag\u00fat k\u00f6t\u00f6tte \u00f6ssze a k\u00e9t ter\u00fcletet.\r\nAz angolkertben a vir\u00e1gok a hideg \u00e9s melegh\u00e1zba szorultak vissza. Egy 1860-b\u00f3l fennmaradt jegyz\u00e9k \u00f6sszesen 154 f\u00e9le n\u00f6v\u00e9nyt sorol fel, melyeket ott neveltek. \r\nBrunszvikok ut\u00e1n J\u00f3zsef f\u0151herceg, majd a Dreherek tulajdon\u00e1ba ker\u00fclt a birtok. A visszaeml\u00e9kez\u00e9sek \u00e9s korabeli felv\u00e9telek bizony\u00edtj\u00e1k, hogy a parkot gondosan karban tartott\u00e1k. \r\nA park a k\u00e9t h\u00e1bor\u00faban jelent\u0151s k\u00e1rokat szenvedett. A 2. vil\u00e1gh\u00e1bor\u00fa ut\u00e1n 1953-ban indultak el a rekonstrukci\u00f3s munk\u00e1k. M\u00e9g ugyanebben az \u00e9vben term\u00e9szetv\u00e9delmi ter\u00fclett\u00e9 nyilv\u00e1n\u00edtott\u00e1k a parkot. \r\n","description_en":"In 1770, Antal Brunszvik Sr. bought the estate which was completely destroyed during the Turkish rule, and started a large-scale water management and tree planting project. First, the ornamental garden in front of the Manor and then the park behind were designed step by step. Elements typical of a landscape garden (meandering paths, spacious lawns, tree and bush groups) were most likely designed on the basis of Heinrich Nebbien's plans after 1810. \u2018Early in the morning I walked in the garden, which the Graf has laid out in the style, universally called upon the continent English, that is, a style in which art is not allowed to disguise nature. It was a delightful spring morning, - all around me appeared so like England, that I almost fancied myself in my own country\u2019 wrote Richard Bright in 1815 after being a guest of the Brunszvik family. Several records attest that they have operated a tree nursery on the estate, but have also acquired special tree species from other estates. The stone benches still found in the park were installed in the 1820s. At that time there were two islands on the lake. In the 1850s, the southern railroad split the estate, and its northern part was neglected. The two areas were connected by a tunnel. In the landscape garden, flowers could only be found in the greenhouse. A list from 1860 listed a total of 154 plants that were grown there. After the Brunszvik family, the estate was owned by Archduke Joseph and then by the Dreher family. Remembrances and contemporary recordings prove that the park was carefully maintained. The park suffered significant damage in the two World Wars. After World War II, a reconstruction work work began in 1953. In the same year, the park was declared a nature reserve.","images":[{"image_id":17,"image_title_hu":"Az angolpark t\u00e9len","image_title_en":"The English landscape garden in winter","image_name":"3.1.1.jpg"},{"image_id":18,"image_title_hu":"A Brunszvik kast\u00e9ly angolparkj\u00e1nak plat\u00e1nkorszak\u00e1t \u0151rzik az \u00f6reg f\u00e1k \u00e9s a szentiment\u00e1lis kertekre jellemz\u0151 egyik k\u0151pad.","image_title_en":"The Platanus era of the Brunszvik Manor is preserved by the old trees and a stone bench typical of sentimental gardens.","image_name":"3.1.2.jpg"},{"image_id":19,"image_title_hu":"Nebbien v\u00e1rosligeti terve \u2013 angolpark a v\u00e1ros sz\u00edv\u00e9ben","image_title_en":"Nebbien Plan for the City Park in Budapest - English garden in the heart of the city","image_name":"3.1.3.jpg"},{"image_id":20,"image_title_hu":"Kast\u00e9lypark a t\u00f3 fel\u0151l a Dr\u00e9herek idej\u00e9b\u0151l","image_title_en":"The Manor Park from the lake at the time of the Dr\u00e9hers","image_name":"3.1.4.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":7,"outside_main_content_id":3,"title_hu":"Francia- \u00e9s angolkertek Magyarorsz\u00e1gon","title_en":"French and English gardens in Hungary","description_hu":"A francia kert gy\u00f6kerei It\u00e1li\u00e1ba ny\u00falnak vissza, ahol a 16. sz\u00e1zad k\u00f6zep\u00e9t\u0151l geometrikus kerteket kezdtek tervezni, szimmetrikus n\u00f6v\u00e9ny\u00fcltet\u00e9ssel. Sz\u00e9p p\u00e9ld\u00e1ja ennek II. Gyula p\u00e1pa kertje (Donato Bramante: Cortile del Belveder, 1503). K\u00f6r\u00f6k, n\u00e9gyzetek, h\u00e1rom-, hat-, vagy nyolcsz\u00f6gek szolg\u00e1lt\u00e1k a kert alaprajz\u00e1t. A st\u00edlus elterjedt az eur\u00f3pai uralkod\u00f3k k\u00f6z\u00f6tt, a leggrandi\u00f3zusabb kertek Franciaorsz\u00e1gban sz\u00fclettek XIV. Lajos idej\u00e9n (Andr\u00e9 Le N\u00f4tre). A h\u00e1romsz\u00f6ges \u00fatvezet\u00e9s \u00e9s h\u00e1romsz\u00f6ges l\u00e1t\u00e1s (vui) a hatalmat szeml\u00e9ltette. A geometrikus form\u00e1j\u00fa vir\u00e1g\u00e1gy\u00e1sokat \u00fattal, vagy s\u00f6v\u00e9nnyel hat\u00e1rolt\u00e1k (parterre). A s\u00f6v\u00e9nyk\u00e9nt funkcion\u00e1l\u00f3 ny\u00edrott f\u00e1k a boszk\u00e9k. Magyarorsz\u00e1gon t\u00f6bbek k\u00f6z\u00f6tt Esterh\u00e1zy (F\u00e9nyes) Mikl\u00f3s \u00e9p\u00edttetett francia kertet fert\u0151di kast\u00e9ly\u00e1hoz 1763-66 k\u00f6z\u00f6tt. A kast\u00e9ly f\u00f3kusz\u00e1b\u00f3l kiindul\u00f3 h\u00e1rom sug\u00e1rir\u00e1ny\u00fa l\u00e1tv\u00e1nytengely (\u201el\u00fadl\u00e1b\"-all\u00e9) hat\u00e1rozza meg a kertkompoz\u00edci\u00f3 strukt\u00far\u00e1j\u00e1t, amelyek a terjedelmes mulat\u00f3erd\u0151ben, f\u00e1c\u00e1nosban \u00e9s vadaskertben folytat\u00f3dnak a parterre m\u00f6g\u00f6tt. \r\nA 18. sz\u00e1zad k\u00f6z\u00e9pt\u0151l megjelen\u0151 angolkert c\u00e9lja a term\u00e9szetszer\u0171 megjelen\u00e9s, mely ker\u00fcli a szab\u00e1lyoss\u00e1got. Az \u00e1polt utak szab\u00e1lytalan vonalvezet\u00e9s\u0171ek, tavak, patakok, romantikus \u00e9p\u00fcletek, d\u00edszf\u00e1k (f\u0151k\u00e9nt plat\u00e1n) jellemzik. A f\u00e1kat, bokrokat csoportokban \u00fcltetik. Magyarorsz\u00e1gon az els\u0151 ilyen kertet B\u0151hm Vilmos tervezte az Esterh\u00e1zyak megb\u00edz\u00e1s\u00e1b\u00f3l, Tat\u00e1n. Charles Moreau m\u0171rommal \u00e9s T\u00f6r\u00f6k Mecsettel tette m\u00e9g izgalmasabb\u00e1 a kompoz\u00edci\u00f3t. P\u00e1lmah\u00e1z, valamint egy mesters\u00e9ges barlang, az Avernus eg\u00e9sz\u00edti ki az \u00e9p\u00edtett l\u00e1tnival\u00f3kat. \r\n","description_en":"The French Garden is a garden style initially inspired by the Italian Renaissance\u00a0gardens, where geometric gardens were planned with symmetrical plant arrangements. A good example of this is the garden of Pope Julius II\u00a0 (Donato Bramante: Cortile del Belveder, 1503). Circles, squares, triangles, hexagons or octagons were used to create the plan of the garden. The style was favoured by European rulers, the most grandiose gardens in France were created in the time of Louis XIV (Andr\u00e9 Le N\u00f4tre). Triangular routing and triangular vision (vui) illustrated power. The geometric shape flower beds were bordered by a road or hedge (parterre). The pruned trees functioning as hedges are the boskets. In Hungary, among others, Mikl\u00f3s Esterh\u00e1zy had a French garden created for the castle of Fert\u0151d between 1763 and 1766. The three radial visual axes (patte d'oie, i.e. the\u00a0goose foot) that originate from the focus of the castle define the structure of the garden composition, which continues in the large forest, pheasant and game garden behind the parterre. English landscape gardens emerged in the early 18th century and aimed creating a natural look that avoids regularity. The well-maintained roads are characterized by irregular lines and surrounded by lakes, streams, romantic buildings, ornamental trees (mainly plane trees). The trees and bushes are planted in groups. In Hungary, the first such garden was designed by Vilmos B\u0151hm in Tata on behalf of the Esterh\u00e1zy family. Charles Moreau made the composition even more exciting with and artificial ruins and a Turkish mosque. The palm house and an artificial cave, the Avernus, complement the venue.","images":[{"image_id":21,"image_title_hu":"A fert\u0151di Eszterh\u00e1zy-kast\u00e9ly \u00e9s franciakertje","image_title_en":"Eszterh\u00e1zy Castle and its French garden in Fert\u0151d","image_name":"3.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":22,"image_title_hu":"Az Alcs\u00fati Arbor\u00e9tum \u2013 angolpark","image_title_en":"The Alcs\u00fat Arboretum - English landscape garden","image_name":"3.2.2.jpg"},{"image_id":23,"image_title_hu":"Term\u00e9szetes \u00e9s mesterk\u00e9lt \u00e9let\u00e9rz\u00e9st sug\u00e1rz\u00f3 kertek \u2013 karikat\u00fara a XVIII. sz\u00e1zad m\u00e1sodik fel\u00e9b\u0151l","image_title_en":"Natural and artificial gardens - caricature from the second half of the 18th century","image_name":"3.2.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":8,"outside_main_content_id":4,"title_hu":"Magyarorsz\u00e1g tavai","title_en":"Lakes of Hungary","description_hu":"Magyarorsz\u00e1gon k\u00f6zel 3500 t\u00f3 tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3. Tavaink 75 sz\u00e1zal\u00e9ka mesters\u00e9ges t\u00f3. A magyarorsz\u00e1gi \u00e1ll\u00f3vizek \u00f6sszes ter\u00fclete 1685 km\u00b2, amely mintegy 2 sz\u00e1zal\u00e9ka az orsz\u00e1g ter\u00fclet\u00e9nek. Magyarorsz\u00e1g \u00e9s K\u00f6z\u00e9p-Eur\u00f3pa legnagyobb tava a Balaton, melynek a fel\u00fclete 594 km\u00b2. Ezt k\u00f6veti a Tisza-t\u00f3, melynek fel\u00fclete 127 km\u00b2, Magyarorsz\u00e1g legnagyobb mesters\u00e9ges tava. A Fert\u0151-t\u00f3, magyarorsz\u00e1gi fel\u00fclete 75 km\u00b2, a Velencei-t\u00f3 24,2 km\u00b2, melynek mintegy 40%-a n\u00e1das.","description_en":"There are nearly 3,500 lakes in Hungary. 75 percent of them is an artificial lake. The total area of Hungarian standing waters is 1685 km\u00b2, which is about 2% of the country's territory. Lake Balaton is the largest lake in Hungary and Central Europe with a surface of 594 km\u00b2. This is followed by Lake Tisza with a surface of 127 km\u00b2, Hungary's largest artificial lake. The surface of Lake Fert\u0151 in the territory of Hungary is 75 km\u00b2. The surface of Lake Velence is 24.2 km\u00b2, about 40% of which is reed.","images":[{"image_id":24,"image_title_hu":"V\u00edzrajzi t\u00e9rk\u00e9p","image_title_en":"Hydrographic map","image_name":"4.1.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":9,"outside_main_content_id":4,"title_hu":"\u00c9let az \u00d6reg t\u00f3ban","title_en":"Life in the Old Lake","description_hu":"A t\u00f3ba telep\u00edtett leggyakoribb halfajok:\r\nPonty: \r\nLeggyakoribb vadon \u00e9l\u0151 k\u00e9pvisel\u0151je a t\u0151ponty, amelynek nemes\u00edtett, \u201epikkelymentes\u201d \u00e9s l\u00e9nyegesen nagyobbra n\u00f6v\u0151 v\u00e1ltozatait telep\u00edtik (t\u00fck\u00f6rponty, t\u00fckr\u00f6sponty, b\u0151rponty). \r\nKedveli a felmeleged\u0151, iszapos aljzat\u00fa, \u00e1ll\u00f3 \u00e9s lassan foly\u00f3 vizeket. El\u0151szeretettel fogyasztja a v\u00edzin\u00f6v\u00e9nyek fiatal hajt\u00e1sait, sz\u00fanyogl\u00e1rv\u00e1kat, v\u00edzi rovarokat. H\u00e1ta t\u00f6bbnyire magasan \u00edvelt. Sz\u00e1ja k\u00f6r\u00fcl 2 p\u00e1r bajuszsz\u00e1lat visel, az egyiket a fels\u0151 ajakon, a m\u00e1sikat a sz\u00e1jszegletben. Legfontosabb \u00e9tkez\u00e9si halfajunk.\r\nCsuka:\r\n\u0150shonos \u00e1ll\u00f3v\u00edzi halfaj. Kedveli n\u00f6v\u00e9nyzettel ben\u0151tt, nem t\u00fal m\u00e9ly r\u00e9szeket. Feje a testhez k\u00e9pest nagy, k\u00f6zel k\u00e9tszerese a legnagyobb testmagass\u00e1gnak. Sz\u00e1ja kacsacs\u0151rszer\u0171. A fej a szem el\u0151tt fel\u00fclr\u0151l lap\u00edtott, a test eg\u00e9sze viszont er\u0151sen megny\u00falt, oldalr\u00f3l lap\u00edtott. \u00dasz\u00f3i viszonylag kicsik. A farok\u00fasz\u00f3 bemetszett. A csuk\u00e1nak t\u00f6k\u00e9letes ragadoz\u00f3 testfel\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9se van. Lesb\u0151l, a rejtekhely\u00e9r\u0151l t\u00e1mad, vill\u00e1mgyorsan lecsap \u00e1ldozat\u00e1ra.\r\nHalastavakban j\u00f3l szapor\u00edthat\u00f3, kedvelt \u00e9s becs\u00fclt \u00e9tkez\u00e9si halfajunk\r\nVeressz\u00e1rny\u00fa keszeg:\r\nOldalr\u00f3l lap\u00edtott, \u00edvelt test\u0171, \u00e1ll\u00f3v\u00edzi halfaj. Az \u00fasz\u00f3k k\u00f6z\u00fcl a mell- \u00e9s a has\u00fasz\u00f3 ar\u00e1nytalanul kicsi, a h\u00e1t- \u00e9s a farok\u00fasz\u00f3 j\u00f3l fejlett. P\u00e1ros \u00fasz\u00f3i, valamint a farokalatti \u00fasz\u00f3ja v\u00e9rv\u00f6r\u00f6s, a h\u00e1t- \u00e9s a farok\u00fasz\u00f3 sz\u00fcrk\u00e9s alapsz\u00edn\u0171, v\u00f6rhenyes.\r\nCsapatban \u00e9l\u0151 hal, megfigyelt\u00e9k m\u00e1r t\u00f6bb ezer egyedb\u0151l \u00e1ll\u00f3 csapat\u00e1t is. F\u0151leg v\u00edzin\u00f6v\u00e9nyekkel, h\u00edn\u00e1rral ben\u0151tt, iszapos fenek\u0171, csendes vizeket kedveli.\r\nH\u00fasmin\u0151s\u00e9ge gyenge \u00e9s sz\u00e1lk\u00e1s, viszont kedvelt eledele a ragadoz\u00f3 halfajoknak, f\u0151leg a csuk\u00e1nak.\r\n","description_en":"The most common fish species in the lake are: Carp: larger varieties without fish-scale (common carp, mirror carp, leather carp) are raised in the lake. They like warm, muddy, standing or slow moving waters. They prefer to consume young shoots of aquatic plants, mosquito larvae, water insects. Their backs are mostly arched. They have\u00a0moustache-like dermal pendants next to their mouths. The farming of carp continues to surpass other farmed fish volume. Pike: a typical indigenous fish species. It loves less deep water with dense vegetation. Its head is large compared to the body, nearly twice the maximum height. Its mouth is like that of a duck. The head is flattened from above, but the whole body is very elongated, flattened from the side. The fins are relatively small. The caudal fin is indented. The pike has a perfect predator body structure. A pike has a very typical hunting behavior; it is able to remain stationary in the water and then exhibit remarkable acceleration as they strike. It can reproduce well in ponds and is a popular and appreciated table fish. Common\u00a0rudd: a freshwater fish with a body flattened from the side. The pelvic fins and anal fins are underproportioned, while the dorsal and caudal fins are well developed. The dorsal fin and pectoral fins are greyish with a reddish tint and all the other fins are bright red. A gregarious fish sometimes live in groups of thousands of individuals. It prefers quiet waters with dense vegetation and muddy bottom. Its bony fillets are of low quality, however, it is a favourite food for predatory fish, especially pike.","images":[{"image_id":26,"image_title_hu":"Tavi moln\u00e1rpoloska","image_title_en":"Common pond skater\u00a0","image_name":"4.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":27,"image_title_hu":"Betelep\u00edtett \u00e9kszertekn\u0151s a t\u00f3ban","image_title_en":"Turtle in the lake","image_name":"4.2.2.jpg"},{"image_id":28,"image_title_hu":"Ponty a t\u00f3ban","image_title_en":"Carp in the lake","image_name":"4.2.3.jpg"},{"image_id":29,"image_title_hu":"Lehal\u00e1sz\u00e1s","image_title_en":"Harvesting the fish","image_name":"4.2.4.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":10,"outside_main_content_id":4,"title_hu":"Mi\u00e9rt z\u00f6ld a t\u00f3?","title_en":"Why is the lake green?","description_hu":"Tal\u00e1n \u00e9szrevett\u00e9tek, hogy bizonyos \u00e9vszakokban er\u0151sen bez\u00f6ld\u00fcl a t\u00f3. Ezt a sz\u00ednt a t\u00f3ban elszaporod\u00f3 mikroszkopikus m\u00e9ret\u0171 z\u00f6ld- \u00e9s k\u00e9kalg\u00e1k okozz\u00e1k. A t\u00f3ban felhalmoz\u00f3d\u00f3 szerves anyagnak k\u00f6sz\u00f6nhet\u0151 feld\u00fasul\u00e1suk. A f\u00e1kr\u00f3l lehull\u00f3 levelek \u00e9s a halak intenz\u00edv etet\u00e9se okozza a szervesanyag-felhalmoz\u00f3d\u00e1st. De fontos szerepet j\u00e1tszik a t\u00f3 felmeleged\u00e9se \u00e9s csek\u00e9ly \u00e1tfoly\u00e1sa is. Az alg\u00e1k gyors felszaporod\u00e1s\u00e1t algavir\u00e1gz\u00e1snak nevezz\u00fck. A v\u00edzvir\u00e1gz\u00e1st okoz\u00f3 k\u00e9kalg\u00e1k anyagcsere term\u00e9kei (cianotoxinok) halpusztul\u00e1st \u00e9s egy\u00e9b \u00e1llatok m\u00e9rgez\u00e9s\u00e9t okozhatj\u00e1k. A t\u00falzottan elszaporod\u00f3 alg\u00e1k egy id\u0151 ut\u00e1n t\u00f6megesen elpusztulhatnak, \u00e9s boml\u00e1sterm\u00e9keikkel tov\u00e1bb m\u00e9rgezhetik a vizet.\r\nA b\u00e9kany\u00e1l, az elszaporodott l\u00e1ncszer\u0171en \u00f6sszekapcsol\u00f3d\u00f3 fonalas z\u00f6ldalg\u00e1k t\u00f6meg\u00e9t jelenti, amelyek ny\u00fal\u00f3s, h\u00edn\u00e1rszer\u0171 \u00fasz\u00f3 telepet alkothatnak. K\u00f6zelebbr\u0151l megvizsg\u00e1lva kider\u00fcl, hogy t\u00f6bbf\u00e9le z\u00f6ldalga-faj vesz r\u00e9szt e sz\u00f6ved\u00e9k kialak\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1ban.\r\n","description_en":"You may have noticed that in some seasons the lake is heavily greened. This colour is caused by the microscopic green and blue algae that grow in the lake. Their growth is due to organic matter accumulated in the lake. Leaves falling from trees and intense feeding of fish cause organic matter accumulation. However, the pond's warming and low flow also play an important role. The rapid growth of algae is called algal blooms. The metabolic products (cyanotoxins) of blue algae that cause bloom can cause fish death and poisoning of other animals. Over-proliferating algae may eventually die in mass and may further poison the water with their decomposition products. Water-silk the proliferating chain-linked filamentous green algae that can form a gummy, seaweed-like float. It was found that several species of green algae are involved in the formation of this water-silk web.","images":[{"image_id":30,"image_title_hu":"B\u00e9kany\u00e1l","image_title_en":"Water-silk","image_name":"4.3.1.jpg"},{"image_id":31,"image_title_hu":"Fonalas z\u00f6ld \u00e9s k\u00e9kmoszat","image_title_en":"Green and blue algae","image_name":"4.3.2.jpg"},{"image_id":60,"image_title_hu":"Fonalas z\u00f6ld alg\u00e1k","image_title_en":"Filamentous green algae","image_name":"4.3.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":11,"outside_main_content_id":5,"title_hu":"Leggyakoribb madarak \u00e9s hangjuk","title_en":"Most common birds and their sounds","description_hu":"A parkban rendszeresen f\u00e9szkel\u0151 madarak\r\nT\u0151k\u00e9s r\u00e9ce\r\nSz\u00fcrke g\u00e9m\r\nZ\u00f6ld k\u00fcll\u0151\r\nFekete hark\u00e1ly\r\nKis fakop\u00e1ncs\r\nNagy fakop\u00e1ncs\r\n\u00d6k\u00f6rszem\r\nR\u00f6vidkarm\u00fa fakusz\r\nErdei f\u00fcles bagoly\r\nFeketerig\u00f3\r\n\u00c9nekes rig\u00f3\r\nNyaktekercs\r\nB\u00fabos pacsirta\r\nBar\u00e1zdabilleget\u0151\r\nV\u00f6r\u00f6sbegy\r\nF\u00fclem\u00fcle\r\nCsuszka\r\nMezei ver\u00e9b\r\nTengelic\r\nZ\u00f6ldike\r\nCitroms\u00e1rm\u00e1ny\r\nSz\u00e9ncinke\r\nK\u00e9kcinke\r\nBar\u00e1tcinke\r\n","description_en":"Bird species regularly nest in the park: mallard, grey heron, European green woodpecker, black woodpecker, \u00a0lesser spotted woodpecker, \u00a0great spotted woodpecker, Eurasian wren, short-toed treecreeper, long-eared owl, common blackbird, \u00a0song thrush, Eurasian wryneck, crested lark, white wagtail, European robin, \u00a0common nightingale, \u00a0Eurasian nuthatch, \u00a0Eurasian tree sparrow, European goldfinch, European greenfinch, yellowhammer, great tit, Eurasian blue tit, marsh tit","images":[{"image_id":32,"image_title_hu":"Sz\u00fcrke g\u00e9m","image_title_en":"Grey heron","image_name":"5.1.1.jpg"},{"image_id":33,"image_title_hu":"Z\u00f6ld k\u00fcll\u0151","image_title_en":"Green woodpecker","image_name":"5.1.2.jpg"},{"image_id":34,"image_title_hu":"\u00d6k\u00f6rszem","image_title_en":"Eurasian wren","image_name":"5.1.3.jpg"},{"image_id":61,"image_title_hu":"Fekete hark\u00e1ly","image_title_en":"Black woodpecker","image_name":"5.1.4.Fekete_harkaly.jpg"},{"image_id":62,"image_title_hu":"Kis fakop\u00e1ncs","image_title_en":"Lesser spotted woodpecker","image_name":"5.1.5.Kis.fakopancs.jpg"},{"image_id":63,"image_title_hu":"Nagy fakop\u00e1ncs","image_title_en":"Great spotted woodpecker","image_name":"5.1.6.Nagy.fakopancs.jpg"},{"image_id":64,"image_title_hu":"R\u00f6vidkarm\u00fa fakusz","image_title_en":"Short-toed treecreeper","image_name":"5.1.7.Rovidkarmu.fakusz.jpg"},{"image_id":65,"image_title_hu":"Erdei f\u00fcles bagoly","image_title_en":"Long-eared owl","image_name":"5.1.8.Erdei.fulesbagoly.jpg"},{"image_id":66,"image_title_hu":"Fekete rig\u00f3","image_title_en":"Common blackbird","image_name":"5.1.9.Fekete.rigo.jpg"},{"image_id":67,"image_title_hu":"\u00c9nekes rig\u00f3","image_title_en":"Song thrush","image_name":"5.1.10.Enekes.rigo.jpg"},{"image_id":68,"image_title_hu":"Nyaktekercs","image_title_en":"Eurasian wryneck","image_name":"5.1.11.Nyaktekercs.jpg"},{"image_id":69,"image_title_hu":"V\u00f6r\u00f6sbegy","image_title_en":"European robin","image_name":"5.1.12.Vorosbegy.jpg"},{"image_id":70,"image_title_hu":"Csuszka","image_title_en":"Eurasian nuthatch","image_name":"5.1.13.Csuszka.jpg"},{"image_id":71,"image_title_hu":"Mezei ver\u00e9b","image_title_en":"Eurasian tree sparrow","image_name":"5.1.14.Mezei.vereb.jpg"},{"image_id":72,"image_title_hu":"Tengelic","image_title_en":"European goldfinch","image_name":"5.1.15.Tengelic.jpg"},{"image_id":73,"image_title_hu":"Z\u00f6ldike","image_title_en":"European greenfinch","image_name":"5.1.16.Zoldike.jpg"},{"image_id":74,"image_title_hu":"Sz\u00e9ncinke","image_title_en":"Great tit","image_name":"5.1.17.Szencinege.jpg"},{"image_id":75,"image_title_hu":"K\u00e9kcinke","image_title_en":"Eurasian blue tit","image_name":"5.1.18.Kekcinege.jpg"}],"sounds":[{"id":1,"name":"Tokes_rece_hang.mp3","title_hu":"T\u0151k\u00e9s r\u00e9ce","title_en":"Mallard"},{"id":2,"name":"Szurke_gem_hang.mp3","title_hu":"Sz\u00fcrke g\u00e9m","title_en":"Grey heron"},{"id":3,"name":"Zold_kullo_hang.mp3","title_hu":"Z\u00f6ld k\u00fcll\u0151","title_en":"Green woodpecker"},{"id":4,"name":"Okorszem_hang.mp3","title_hu":"\u00d6k\u00f6rszem","title_en":"Eurasian wren"},{"id":5,"name":"Fulemule_hang.mp3","title_hu":"F\u00fclem\u00fcle","title_en":"Common nightingale"}]},{"id":12,"outside_main_content_id":5,"title_hu":"Madarat toll\u00e1r\u00f3l","title_en":"Birds of a feather\u2026","description_hu":"Ak\u00e1r szabad szemmel is, de t\u00e1vcs\u0151vel k\u00f6nnyed\u00e9n megfigyelhet\u0151 a madarak vil\u00e1g\u00e1ban gyakori jelens\u00e9g, hogy a k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6z\u0151 ivar\u00fa egyedek nagym\u00e9rt\u00e9kben k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6znek egym\u00e1st\u00f3l. Ez a k\u00fcl\u00f6nbs\u00e9g nemcsak a tollazat mint\u00e1j\u00e1ban, sz\u00edn\u00e9ben, de a madarak testm\u00e9ret\u00e9ben is j\u00f3l megfigyelhet\u0151.\r\nA t\u0151k\u00e9sr\u00e9ce toj\u00f3 m\u00e9rete jelent\u0151sen, mintegy negyed\u00e9vel kisebb a h\u00edm\u00e9n\u00e9l. Rejt\u0151zk\u00f6d\u0151 barn\u00e1s sz\u00edn\u0171, szab\u00e1lytalan fekete foltokkal, pettyekkel. Sz\u00e1rny\u00e1n, k\u00f6z\u00e9pt\u00e1jon, f\u00e9mes csillog\u00e1s\u00fa, k\u00e9k sz\u00edn\u0171 sz\u00e1rnyt\u00fck\u00f6r tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3, feh\u00e9r szeg\u00e9llyel. \r\nA g\u00e1cs\u00e9r n\u00e1szruh\u00e1ja igen felt\u0171n\u0151 sz\u00edn\u0171, feje f\u00e9mes z\u00f6ld, nyak\u00e1n eleg\u00e1ns feh\u00e9r gall\u00e9r, melle barna, oldala \u00e9s hasa sz\u00fcrk\u00e9s. H\u00e1ta k\u00f6zep\u00e9t\u0151l a fark\u00e1ig k\u00e9kesfekete. Ennek a felt\u0171n\u0151 ruh\u00e1zatnak el\u0151nye a n\u0151st\u00e9nyek figyelm\u00e9nek felkelt\u00e9s\u00e9ben \u00e9s a p\u00e1rv\u00e1laszt\u00e1s tekintet\u00e9ben elvitathatatlan, de vannak h\u00e1tr\u00e1nyai is. Mit gondolsz, mik ezek a h\u00e1tr\u00e1nyok? Tal\u00e1n nem is olyan neh\u00e9z a v\u00e1lasz, a g\u00e1cs\u00e9r n\u00e1szruh\u00e1ja nem csak a n\u0151st\u00e9nyek, de a ragadoz\u00f3k figyelm\u00e9t is hamarabb felkelti, nem v\u00e9letlen, hogy mi is k\u00f6nnyebben \u00e9szrevessz\u00fck a t\u00f3parti n\u00f6v\u00e9nyek k\u00f6z\u00f6tt megb\u00fav\u00f3 h\u00edmeket. \r\nA h\u00edmek z\u00f6ldes tollazat\u00e1nak sz\u00edne a tollak szerkezeti fel\u00e9p\u00edt\u00e9s\u00e9nek k\u00f6sz\u00f6nhet\u0151. Minden toll \u00e1gacsk\u00e1kb\u00f3l \u00e1ll, amelyeket h\u00e1rom szarur\u00e9teg fed:\r\n-\ta fels\u0151, \u00e1tl\u00e1tsz\u00f3 fed\u0151r\u00e9teg,\r\n-\talatta szab\u00e1lytalan alak\u00fa, leveg\u0151vel teli, 30-300 mikron m\u00e9ret\u0171 \u00fcreges cell\u00e1k;\r\n-\tv\u00e9g\u00fcl a barn\u00e1s fest\u00e9kanyagot tartalmaz\u00f3, s\u00f6t\u00e9t melaninr\u00e9teg.\r\nA cell\u00e1k sz\u00f3rj\u00e1k a bees\u0151 f\u00e9nysugarakat. A tollat sz\u00ednezete att\u00f3l f\u00fcgg, hogy milyen a cell\u00e1k eloszl\u00e1sa, m\u00e9rete, illetve alakja vagyis, hogy mik\u00e9nt sz\u00f3rj\u00e1k a f\u00e9nyt. Ett\u0151l lesz k\u00fcl\u00f6nleges a mad\u00e1r tollazat\u00e1nak a sz\u00edne.\r\n","description_en":"It is easy to observe, even with the naked eye, the common phenomenon in the world of birds that individuals of different sexes differ greatly from each other. This difference can be observed not only in the feather\u2019s pattern or colour, but also in the body size. The size of a mallard female is considerably smaller than that of the male. The female mallard is predominantly mottled, with each individual feather showing sharp contrast from buff to very dark brown. The breeding male mallard is unmistakable, with a glossy bottle-green head and a white collar that demarcates the head from the purple-tinged brown breast, grey-brown wings, and a pale grey belly. The rear of the male is black, with white-bordered dark tail feathers. This striking plumage attracts the attention of the females and help them choose the pair, but there are also drawbacks. Can you guess the disadvantages? Perhaps the answer is not that difficult, the male\u2019s plumage attracts the attention of not only the females, but also of the predators, it is no coincidence that we also notice the males first. The green feather colour is due to the structure of the feathers. \u00a0Feathers bear an iridescent wing patch known as the speculum.\u00a0Speculum colour is produced by a photonic heterostructure consisting of both a single thin-film of keratin and a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice of melanosomes in feather barbules. The colour results from a two-dimensional hexagonal photonic crystal of rod-shaped melanosomes embedded below a thin layer of keratin at the surface of feather barbules. This produces the special polarized iridescence. ","images":[{"image_id":35,"image_title_hu":"T\u0151k\u00e9s r\u00e9ce g\u00e1cs\u00e9r n\u00e1szruh\u00e1ban","image_title_en":"Male mallard plumage","image_name":"5.2.1.jpg "}],"sounds":[]},{"id":13,"outside_main_content_id":6,"title_hu":"T\u00f6lgyek","title_en":"Oaks","description_hu":"Kocs\u00e1nyos t\u00f6lgy (Quercus robur), b\u00fckkfaf\u00e9l\u00e9k csal\u00e1dja\r\nHatalmas t\u00f6rzsker\u00fclet\u0171, g\u00f6cs\u00f6rt\u00f6s \u00e1g\u00fa, igazi aggasty\u00e1nok k\u00e9pviselik a fajt a parkban.\r\nA kocs\u00e1nyos t\u00f6lgy Magyarorsz\u00e1gon \u0151shonos, az alf\u00f6ldi erd\u0151s ter\u00fcletek uralkod\u00f3 fafaja volt, telep\u00edt\u00e9se k\u00edv\u00e1natos lenne. Hatalmas termet\u0171, ak\u00e1r 1000 \u00e9vet is meg\u00e9lhet. F\u00e1ja \u00e9rt\u00e9kes, asztalosok, k\u00e1d\u00e1rok haszn\u00e1lj\u00e1k. Term\u00e9s\u00e9t (t\u00f6lgymakk) az erdei \u00e9s itt a parkban \u00e9l\u0151 \u00e1llatok is sz\u00edvesen fogyasztj\u00e1k. Nev\u00e9t hossz\u00fa term\u00e9skocs\u00e1ny\u00e1r\u00f3l kapta. Lev\u00e9lv\u00e1lla f\u00fcles. K\u00e9rge m\u00e9lyen repedezett. \r\nA parkban m\u00e9g csert\u00f6lgyet \u00e9s a nem \u0151shonos v\u00f6r\u00f6s t\u00f6lgyet is felfedezhetj\u00fck.\r\n","description_en":"Common oak (Quercus robur) is a species of flowering plant in the beech and oak family. It is a long-lived tree, with a large wide spreading crown of rugged branches. In the park, really old trees represent the species. The oak tree is native in Hungary, it was the dominant species of woodland in the Great Plain and should now be planted. It can live up to 1000 years. The tree is valuable, used by carpenters and coopers. The fruit (acorns) is consumed by the forest and park animals. The peduncle or acorn-stalk is long. I has lobed leaves. The bark is deep-fissured. In the park, we can also discover Austrian oak and non-native red oak.","images":[{"image_id":36,"image_title_hu":"\u00d6reg kocs\u00e1nyos t\u00f6lgy","image_title_en":"Old common oak","image_name":"6.1.1.jpg"},{"image_id":37,"image_title_hu":"Csert\u00f6lgy a parkban","image_title_en":"Austrian oak in the park","image_name":"6.1.2.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":14,"outside_main_content_id":6,"title_hu":"Plat\u00e1n","title_en":"Platanus","description_hu":"Plat\u00e1n (Platanus hybrida)\r\nSzint\u00e9n \u00f3ri\u00e1s termet\u0171, 100-200 \u00e9ves p\u00e9ld\u00e1nyok tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3k a kertben, melyeket a gyakran hatalmas foltokban lev\u00e1l\u00f3 k\u00e9rg\u00fckr\u0151l k\u00f6nnyen felismerhet\u00fcnk. A parkban tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 p\u00e9ld\u00e1nyok z\u00f6mmel k\u00e9t faj, a keleti \u00e9s a nyugati plat\u00e1n hibridjei. Tiszta, nem hibridiz\u00e1l\u00f3dott fajokat kev\u00e9s helyen tal\u00e1lunk. Nem \u0151shonos, r\u00e9g\u00f3ta kedvelt parkf\u00e1nk. Term\u00e9se sok-sok apr\u00f3 makkocska amik t\u00f6m\u00f6r g\u00f6mb\u00f6t alkotnak (Kokifa). F\u00e1ja \u00e9rt\u00e9kes b\u00fatorfa. Levele csillagsz\u0151r\u00f6s, allerg\u00e9n, ny\u00e1lkah\u00e1rtya-irrit\u00e1l\u00f3.\r\n","description_en":"Platanus (Platanus hybrida). There are also giant, 100-200-year-old specimens found in the park, which can be easily recognized by the bark peeling off in irregularly shaped patches. The specimens in the park are mostly hybrids of two species, Eastern and Western Platanus. Non-hybridized species are very rare. It is not native in Hungary. The fruit is a multiple of achenes forming a ball. The wood is perfect for making furniture. The stellate hair on the leaves cause allergy as they irritate the mucous membrane.","images":[{"image_id":40,"image_title_hu":"\u00d6reg plat\u00e1n","image_title_en":"Old Platanus","image_name":"6.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":41,"image_title_hu":"Plat\u00e1ncsoport a t\u00f3 partj\u00e1n","image_title_en":"Platanus group at the lake","image_name":"6.2.2.jpg"},{"image_id":42,"image_title_hu":"A plat\u00e1n term\u00e9ses \u00e1ga","image_title_en":"Branch with fruits of a Platanus","image_name":"6.2.3.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":15,"outside_main_content_id":6,"title_hu":"Magas k\u0151ris","title_en":"Common ash","description_hu":"Magas k\u0151ris (Fraxinus excelsior), olajfaf\u00e9l\u00e9k csal\u00e1dja\r\nA latin nev\u00e9nek megfele\u0151en (excelsior=kimagasl\u00f3) igen magasra, k\u00f6zel 40 m\u00e9terre n\u0151ttek a parkban a faj id\u0151sebb k\u00e9pvisel\u0151i. \r\n\u0150shonos. Kem\u00e9nyfa ligeterd\u0151k meghat\u00e1roz\u00f3 faja, de a hegyvid\u00e9keken elegyfak\u00e9nt megtal\u00e1lhat\u00f3. Keresztben \u00e1tellenesen \u00e1ll\u00f3, p\u00e1ratlanul sz\u00e1rnyasan \u00f6sszetett lev\u00e9l, fekete lap\u00edtott jellegzetes r\u00fcgyek jellemzik a fajt. Lepend\u00e9k term\u00e9sei p\u00f6r\u00f6gve hullnak al\u00e1. Kiv\u00e1l\u00f3 szersz\u00e1mfa, szersz\u00e1mny\u00e9l, sporteszk\u00f6z\u00f6k alapanyaga. Az asztalos ipar is haszn\u00e1lja.\r\nA parkban a vir\u00e1gos k\u0151ris fiatal p\u00e9ld\u00e1nyaival is tal\u00e1lkozhatunk.\r\n","description_en":"Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is a flowering plant in olive family. As the Latin word excelsior translated as \u2018ever upward\u2019 suggests, it is a very tall tree. In the park, old ash trees are as high as 40 metres. It is native in Hungary and a dominant species in hardwood forests. The leaves are opposite, pinnately compound. The shoots are stout, greenish-grey, with jet black buds. The wing of the fruit (samara) causes the fruit to move through the air while spinning, like a helicopter. The wood is excellent for making tools, handles, sports equipment. The carpentry industry also uses it. In the park you can also see young manna ash trees.","images":[{"image_id":43,"image_title_hu":"Fiatal vir\u00e1gos k\u0151ris","image_title_en":"Young manna ash trees","image_name":"6.3.1.jpg"},{"image_id":44,"image_title_hu":"Magas k\u0151ris","image_title_en":"Common ash","image_name":"6.3.2.A.jpg"},{"image_id":45,"image_title_hu":"Magas k\u0151ris","image_title_en":"Common ash","image_name":"6.3.2.B.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":16,"outside_main_content_id":7,"title_hu":"V\u00f6r\u00f6s m\u00f3kus ","title_en":"Red squirrel","description_hu":"Eur\u00f3pai vagy v\u00f6r\u00f6s m\u00f3kusnak (Sciurus vulgaris) is nevezik. Az eml\u0151s\u00f6k oszt\u00e1ly\u00e1nak r\u00e1gcs\u00e1l\u00f3k rendj\u00e9be, ezen bel\u00fcl a m\u00f3kusf\u00e9l\u00e9k csal\u00e1dj\u00e1ba tartoz\u00f3 faj.\r\nA v\u00f6r\u00f6s m\u00f3kus \u00e9vente k\u00e9tszer ellik, febru\u00e1rban \u00e9s j\u00faniusban. A kicsinyek vakon, s\u00fcketen \u00e9s csupaszon j\u00f6nnek a vil\u00e1gra. A vemhes n\u0151st\u00e9ny \u00e1ltal\u00e1ban tartal\u00e9k f\u00e9szkeket is k\u00e9sz\u00edt, hogy vesz\u00e9ly eset\u00e9n abba \u00e1t tudja menek\u00edteni k\u00f6lykeit. A m\u00f3kusf\u00e9szek bej\u00e1rata rendszerint oldalt \u00e9s alul l\u00e1that\u00f3, mert mindig alulr\u00f3l m\u00e1szik bele. \u00cdgy k\u00f6nnyen megk\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6ztethet\u0151 a mad\u00e1rf\u00e9szekt\u0151l. A k\u00f6lyk\u00f6k anyjukt\u00f3l tanulj\u00e1k, hogy mit ehetnek meg. A h\u00edm nem vesz r\u00e9szt az ut\u00f3dok gondoz\u00e1s\u00e1ban. A m\u00f3kus k\u00f6lykei 9-10 h\u00f3napos korukra \u00e9rik el a feln\u0151tt kort.\r\n\u00c1tlagosan 4-6 \u00e9vig \u00e9l. Nem alszik t\u00e9li \u00e1lmot, de a hideg id\u0151szakban ak\u00e1r napokig is a f\u00e9szk\u00e9ben marad. A m\u00f3kusok nem v\u00e9dik a ter\u00fclet\u00fcket, egy \u00e1gon ak\u00e1r t\u00f6bb m\u00f3kus is b\u00e9k\u00e9sen megf\u00e9r egym\u00e1s mellett. \r\nF\u0151k\u00e9nt magvakkal t\u00e1pl\u00e1lkozik: makkal, mogyor\u00f3val, vadgeszteny\u00e9vel, b\u00fckkmakkal, de a gomb\u00e1kat, bogy\u00f3kat, kisebb madarak toj\u00e1sait, s\u0151t, n\u00e9ha m\u00e9g a mad\u00e1rfi\u00f3k\u00e1kat is megeszi. \u0150sszel f\u00f6ldbe \u00e1ssa a magvakat, mogyor\u00f3kat. Ha ezek a tartal\u00e9kok kifogynak a t\u00e9li h\u00f3napok sor\u00e1n, az \u00e1llat ak\u00e1r el is pusztulhat. A n\u00f6v\u00e9nyek szapor\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1ban nagy szerepe van, sz\u00e9tsz\u00f3rja, el\u00fclteti a magvakat.\r\nA m\u00f3kus a fark\u00e1val egyens\u00falyoz, \u00e9jjel pedig takar\u00f3nak haszn\u00e1lja. T\u00fckr\u00f6zi a m\u00f3kus hangulat\u00e1t. A l\u00e1t\u00e1sa, sz\u00ednl\u00e1t\u00e1sa j\u00f3, nagy l\u00e1t\u00f3tere van.\r\nBund\u00e1ja sz\u00edne f\u00fcgg \u00e9l\u0151helyt\u0151l. Ahol a t\u0171level\u0171ek ar\u00e1nya kicsi, ott v\u00f6r\u00f6sesbarna. A feny\u0151erd\u0151kben feket\u00e9s- vagy s\u00f6t\u00e9tbarna. De a mikrokl\u00edma is befoly\u00e1solja: \u00edgy a v\u00f6r\u00f6sesbarna m\u00f3kus melegebb \u00e9s sz\u00e1razabb, a s\u00f6t\u00e9tbarna a hidegebb \u00e9s nedvesebb \u00e9l\u0151helyekre jellemz\u0151.\r\nEllens\u00e9gei a ragadoz\u00f3 madarak, a vadmacsk\u00e1k \u00e9s a nyuszt. Legt\u00f6bbsz\u00f6r \u00fagy menek\u00fcl, hogy pillanatok alatt felm\u00e1szik ak\u00e1r az \u00e1gak v\u00e9g\u00e9ig is. A v\u00f6r\u00f6s m\u00f3kus \u00e9l\u0151hely\u00e9n megteleped\u0151, Amerik\u00e1b\u00f3l sz\u00e1rmaz\u00f3 sz\u00fcrke m\u00f3kus kiszor\u00edtja kisebb vet\u00e9lyt\u00e1rs\u00e1t. Sok helyen a v\u00f6r\u00f6s m\u00f3kust bund\u00e1j\u00e1\u00e9rt vad\u00e1ssz\u00e1k. Vesz\u00e9lyezteti, hogy egyre t\u00f6bb erd\u0151t irtanak ki. \r\n","description_en":"Red squirrel\u00a0or\u00a0Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is an omnivorous rodent. Mating can occur in late winter and in summer. Up to two litters a year per female are possible.\u00a0The young are looked after by the mother alone and are born helpless, blind and deaf.\u00a0The female usually prepares a spare nest to escape their kits in the event of danger. The entrance to the squirrel nest is usually on the side and below. This makes it easy to distinguish from a bird's nest. Kits learn from their mothers what they can eat. The male is not involved in the care of the offspring. The squirrel kits reach adulthood by 9-10 months of age. Squirrels live for 4-6 years on average. They do not hibernate in winter, but stay in their nests for even days in the cold. No territories are claimed between the red squirrels, and the feeding areas of individuals overlap considerably. They mainly feed on seeds: acorn, hazelnut, horse chestnut, beech nut, but it also eats mushrooms, berries, eggs of smaller birds, and sometimes even bird nestlings. In the autumn, they dig the seeds and peanuts into the ground. If these reserves run out during the winter months, the animal may even die. They play a great role in plant propagation as they spread the seeds. The long tail helps the squirrel to balance and steer when jumping from tree to tree and running along branches, and may keep the animal warm during sleep. It reflects the mood of the squirrel. They have good vision. The coat of the red squirrel varies in colour with time of year and location. Where the proportion of conifers is small, the coat is reddish brown. It is black or dark brown in pine forests. Microclimate also has an effect: the coat is rather reddish brown is warmer and drier areas, while it is dark brown in colder and damper habitats. Enemies are birds of prey, wild cats and rabbits. Most of the time it flees by climbing up to the end of the branches in no time. The non-native populations of the North American eastern grey squirrels, settling in the red squirrel habitat, decrease the population of red squirrels. In many places, the red squirrel is hunted for its fur. They are threatened by the destruction of more and more forests. ","images":[{"image_id":46,"image_title_hu":"V\u00f6r\u00f6s m\u00f3kus a parkban","image_title_en":"Red squirrel\u00a0in the park","image_name":"7.1.1.jpg"},{"image_id":47,"image_title_hu":"A legfinomabb csemege","image_title_en":"The finest delicacy","image_name":"7.1.2.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":17,"outside_main_content_id":7,"title_hu":"Keleti s\u00fcn","title_en":"Northern White-Breasted Hedgehog\u00a0","description_hu":"Az eml\u0151s\u00f6k oszt\u00e1ly\u00e1nak Eulipotyphla rendj\u00e9be, ezen bel\u00fcl a s\u00fcnf\u00e9l\u00e9k csal\u00e1dj\u00e1ba \u00e9s a t\u00fcsk\u00e9s s\u00fcn\u00f6k alcsal\u00e1dj\u00e1ba tartozik.\r\nA legnagyobb hazai rovarev\u0151 eml\u0151s, testhossza kb. 30 centim\u00e9ter. Testt\u00f6mege \u00e1tlagosan 800-900 g, a telel\u00e9sre felk\u00e9sz\u00fclt \u00e1llapotban pedig ak\u00e1r 1500 g is lehet. Saj\u00e1toss\u00e1ga a m\u00f3dosult sz\u0151rsz\u00e1lakb\u00f3l kialakul\u00f3 t\u00fcskebor\u00edt\u00e1s, amely a legt\u00f6bb ragadoz\u00f3val szemben v\u00e9delmet ny\u00fajt neki. A feln\u0151tt egyedeket 12-15 ezer t\u00fcske bor\u00edtja. A t\u00fcsk\u00e9k nem v\u00e1lt\u00f3dnak \u00e9vente, nem vedlik, legfeljebb s\u00e9r\u00fcl\u00e9s eset\u00e9n p\u00f3tl\u00f3dnak. A s\u00fcn er\u0151s b\u0151rizomzata seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel k\u00e9pes g\u00f6mb alak\u00fara \u00f6sszeh\u00fazni mag\u00e1t. Vannak s\u00f6t\u00e9t, szinte fekete p\u00e9ld\u00e1nyok, \u00e9s vil\u00e1gos vajsz\u00edn\u0171ek is. A hasi oldal\u00e1n tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 sz\u0151rzet sz\u00fcrk\u00e9sfeh\u00e9r sz\u00edn\u0171. \r\nVack\u00e1t a fagy\u00f6kerek k\u00f6zti \u00fcregekben, k\u0151halmok, \u00e9s farak\u00e1sok alatt k\u00e9sz\u00edti. \r\nKifinomult szagl\u00e1sa seg\u00edti a zs\u00e1km\u00e1nykeres\u00e9sben, agy\u00e1nak szagl\u00f3k\u00f6zpontja tekint\u00e9lyes m\u00e9ret\u0171. Legfontosabb t\u00e1pl\u00e1l\u00e9k\u00e1llatai a f\u00f6ldigiliszt\u00e1k, csig\u00e1k \u00e9s rovarok; alkalomadt\u00e1n kisebb gerinceseket (b\u00e9k\u00e1kat, gy\u00edkokat, mad\u00e1rfi\u00f3k\u00e1kat) is fogyaszt. A szakirodalom szerint a s\u00fcn\u00f6k sikerrel ejtek el m\u00e9rges k\u00edgy\u00f3kat is. \r\nA p\u00e1rz\u00e1si ideje a tavasz van. A vak \u00fajsz\u00fcl\u00f6ttek h\u00e1t\u00e1t puha t\u00fcsk\u00e9k bor\u00edtj\u00e1k. A kicsik szeme k\u00e9thetes korukig z\u00e1rt, v\u00e9gleges t\u00fcskeruh\u00e1juk pedig mintegy 4 h\u00e9t alatt fejl\u0151dik ki. Ivar\u00e9rett\u00e9 a sz\u00fclet\u00e9st k\u00f6vet\u0151 \u00e9vben v\u00e1lnak. \r\nA s\u00fcn a nappalt f\u00e9szk\u00e9ben t\u00f6lti, sz\u00fcrk\u00fcletkor indul t\u00e1pl\u00e1l\u00e9kot keresni. Mag\u00e1nyosan \u00e9l. A t\u00e1pl\u00e1lkoz\u00f3 ter\u00fcleten dulakod\u00e1ssal, l\u00f6kd\u00f6s\u0151d\u00e9ssel pr\u00f3b\u00e1lja elriasztani a vet\u00e9lyt\u00e1rsat. A s\u00fcn t\u00e9li \u00e1lmot alszik, ekkor a testh\u0151m\u00e9rs\u00e9klete 5 fok al\u00e1 s\u00fcllyed. Bels\u0151 szab\u00e1lyoz\u00f3rendszer\u00e9vel \u00e9s a zs\u00edrtartal\u00e9kok felhaszn\u00e1l\u00e1s\u00e1val tartja alacsonyan testh\u0151m\u00e9rs\u00e9klet\u00e9t. 15 fok felett \u00e9bred. 10-12 \u00e9vig is \u00e9l. \r\nCsak az uhu k\u00e9pes zs\u00e1km\u00e1nyul ejteni. A t\u00fcsk\u00e9k v\u00e9dik ugyan a nagyobb ragadoz\u00f3kt\u00f3l, de ide\u00e1lis \u00e9l\u0151helye az \u00e9l\u0151sk\u00f6d\u0151 \u00edzeltl\u00e1b\u00faaknak, pl. a bolh\u00e1knak. Vesz\u00e9lyt jelent sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra a k\u00f6z\u00fati forgalom, \u00e9s az erdei \u00e9l\u0151helyek cs\u00f6kken\u00e9se. A s\u00fcn Magyarorsz\u00e1gon 1901 \u00f3ta v\u00e9dett \u00e1llat.\r\n","description_en":"Northern White-Breasted Hedgehog\u00a0belongs to the order Eulipotyphla and the family Erinaceidae. The largest insectivore mammal in Hungary with body length of approx. 30 centimetres. Its body weight is 800-900 g on average, and can reach 1500 before winter hibernation. Hedgehogs possess hair modified into sharp spines to form a protective covering against predators. Adult animals are covered with 12-15 thousand spines. The spines do not change every year, they are replaced only in case of injury. The hedgehog has specialised cutaneous muscles which allow it to roll into a tight defensive ball. They can have dark, almost black spines whilst other animals have spines with cream colouration. The coat on the abdomen is greyish-white. Hedgehogs sleep under bushes, grasses, rocks, or most commonly in dens dug in the ground. Their sophisticated sense of smell helps them find food, and the olfactory part of their brain is large. They mainly feed on earthworms, snails and insects; and occasionally consume smaller vertebrates (frogs, lizards, bird nestlings). According to the literature, hedgehogs also successfully kill poisonous snakes. The mating season is spring. Hedgehogs are born blind with soft spines. The eyes of the little ones are closed for two weeks, and their final spines develop in about 4 weeks. They become mature in the year after birth. The hedgehog spends the day in the nest, looking for food at twilight. They live alone. In the feeding area, they try to scare off the rivals by jostling. Hedgehog hibernate in winter, and its body temperature drops below 5 degrees, maintaining low body temperature with its internal control system and the use of fat reserves. They wake up above 15 degrees. Hedgehogs live for 10-12 years. Only the eagle owl is able to catch them. Although the spines protect them from larger predators, they are an ideal habitat for parasitic arthropods, e.g. for fleas. They are threatened by road traffic and the decrease of forest habitats. The hedgehog is a protected animal in Hungary since 1901.","images":[{"image_id":48,"image_title_hu":"T\u00e1pl\u00e1l\u00e9k\u00e1t keres\u0151 keleti s\u00fcn","image_title_en":"Eastern hedgehog looking for food","image_name":"7.2.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":18,"outside_main_content_id":8,"title_hu":"Beethoven a szigeten","title_en":"Beethoven on the island","description_hu":"\"Nyomj a \"Kamera\" ikonra \u00e9s n\u00e9zd meg a vide\u00f3t!\"","description_en":"Touch the camera icon and point your phone to the bridge.","images":[{"image_id":49,"image_title_hu":"H\u00edd a parkban","image_title_en":"Bridge in the park","image_name":"8.1.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":19,"outside_main_content_id":9,"title_hu":"A B\u00fckk\u00e1br\u00e1nyi megk\u00f6v\u00fclt erd\u0151","title_en":"B\u00fckk\u00e1br\u00e1ny mummified forest","description_hu":"20-24 milli\u00f3 \u00e9vvel ezel\u0151tt a K\u00e1rp\u00e1t-medenc\u00e9t a Pannon-beltenger bor\u00edtotta, mely k\u00e9s\u0151bb Pannon-t\u00f3v\u00e1 alakult. Ennek a t\u00f3nak a mocsaras partj\u00e1n \u00e1lltak azok a 7 milli\u00f3 \u00e9ves \u0151si mocs\u00e1rciprusok, amelyeket 2007-ben tal\u00e1ltak meg B\u00fckk\u00e1br\u00e1nyban. A lelet nagyon \u00e9rt\u00e9kes, hiszen a 300-400 \u00e9ves korukban elpusztult f\u00e1k, \u00f6t-hat m\u00e9ter magas, m\u00e1sf\u00e9l-h\u00e1rom m\u00e9ter \u00e1tm\u00e9r\u0151j\u0171 t\u00f6rzse \u00e1ll\u00f3 helyzet\u00e9ben konzerv\u00e1l\u00f3dott. A lel\u0151helyen 15 db mocs\u00e1rciprus t\u00f6rzset \u00e1stak ki. Els\u0151 l\u00e9p\u00e9sben felm\u00e9rt\u00e9k a f\u00e1k magass\u00e1g\u00e1t, t\u00f6rzs\u00e1tm\u00e9r\u0151j\u00e9t, egym\u00e1st\u00f3l val\u00f3 t\u00e1vols\u00e1g\u00e1t. Ez ut\u00f3bbi az\u00e9rt fontos, mert ebb\u0151l \u00e1llap\u00edtott\u00e1k meg a lombkorona m\u00e9ret\u00e9t.\r\nAz biztos, hogy Taxodium, vagyis mocs\u00e1rciprus-erd\u0151t tal\u00e1ltak, ezt a megmaradt f\u00e1k alakja is el\u00e1rulja, hiszen most is szembet\u0171n\u0151 rajtuk a mocs\u00e1rciprusokra jellemz\u0151 alul kisz\u00e9lesed\u0151 t\u00f6rzs.\r\n","description_en":"20-24 million years ago, the Carpathian Basin was covered by the Pannonian Sea, which later became Pannon Lake. The 7 million-year-old swamp\u00a0cypresses that were found in B\u00fckk\u00e1br\u00e1ny in 2007 stood on the swampy shore of this lake. The find is very valuable as the trees were 300 to 400 years old when they died. The trunks, about six metres high and two to three metres in diameter, were cased in sand, preserving their wood without fossilisation. 15 swamp\u00a0cypress trunks were found at the site. In the first step, the height of the trees, their diameter and distance from each other were assessed. The latter is important because it indicated the size of the canopy. They were surely Taxodium, i.e. swamp\u00a0cypresses, which is also revealed by the unique broadening shape of the trunks.","images":[{"image_id":50,"image_title_hu":"A b\u00fckk\u00e1br\u00e1nyi \u0151si mocs\u00e1rciprusok","image_title_en":"Ancient swamp\u00a0cypresses found in B\u00fckk\u00e1br\u00e1ny","image_name":"9.1.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":20,"outside_main_content_id":9,"title_hu":"\u0150smamutfeny\u0151","title_en":"Metasequoia\u00a0","description_hu":"A parkban tal\u00e1lhatunk egy, a mocs\u00e1rciprushoz nagyon hasonl\u00f3 megjelen\u00e9s\u0171 f\u00e1t, amelyet r\u00e1ad\u00e1sul mocs\u00e1rciprusok vesznek k\u00f6r\u00fcl. Avatatlan szem sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra alig \u00e9szrevehet\u0151 a k\u00e9t faj k\u00f6zti k\u00fcl\u00f6nbs\u00e9g, de ha nem csak a szem\u00fcnket haszn\u00e1ljuk, akkor sokkal k\u00f6nnyebb dolgunk van. Persze el\u0151sz\u00f6r meg kell tal\u00e1lni a f\u00e1t, de ha m\u00e1r meg van, akkor az \u0151smamutfeny\u0151re jellemz\u0151 puha \u00e9s vastag k\u00e9reg biztosan seg\u00edt a hat\u00e1roz\u00e1sban. Tenyer\u00fcnk \u00e9l\u00e9vel megkocogtatva a k\u00e9rget \u00e9rezz\u00fck annak szivacsos szerkezet\u00e9t, ellent\u00e9tben a t\u0151le n\u00e9h\u00e1ny m\u00e9terre l\u00e9v\u0151 mocs\u00e1rciprusok kem\u00e9ny k\u00e9rg\u00e9vel. Persze m\u00e1sban is k\u00fcl\u00f6nb\u00f6znek ezek a fajok egym\u00e1st\u00f3l. Most, hogy felh\u00edvtuk r\u00e1 a figyelmedet \u00e9szreveszed-e a hat\u00e1roz\u00e1sban seg\u00edt\u0151 tulajdons\u00e1gokat.","description_en":"In the park you can find a tree with a very similar appearance to the swamp cypress, which is in fact surrounded by swamp cypress. For non-professionals, the difference between the two species is hardly noticeable, but it is not impossible. Of course, you have to find the tree first, but if you already have it, the soft and thick bark typical of Metasequoia (dawn redwood) trees is sure to help you. Tapping with the edge of our palms, we can feel that the bark is spongy, unlike the hard bark of swamp cypresses a few meters away. Of course, there are other differences between these species as well. Now, can you notice the features that help you in distinguishing them? ","images":[{"image_id":51,"image_title_hu":"\u0150sszel a lombhullat\u00f3 \u0151smamutfeny\u0151","image_title_en":"Metasequoia in the autumn","image_name":"9.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":52,"image_title_hu":"Mocs\u00e1rciprus \u0151szi sz\u00ednei","image_title_en":"Swamp\u00a0cypress autumn colours","image_name":"9.2.2.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":21,"outside_main_content_id":10,"title_hu":"Kl\u00edmaf\u00fclke","title_en":"Climate Chamber","description_hu":"A fitotronban a F\u00f6ld b\u00e1rmely r\u00e9sz\u00e9n el\u0151fordul\u00f3 klimatikus viszonyok el\u0151\u00e1ll\u00edthat\u00f3k, a f\u00fclk\u00e9kben szab\u00e1lyozhat\u00f3k a n\u00f6v\u00e9nyi \u00e9let sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra fontos k\u00f6rnyezeti t\u00e9nyez\u0151k. A kl\u00edma egyes elemeinek hat\u00e1sa a n\u00f6v\u00e9nyi \u00e9letre k\u00fcl\u00f6n-k\u00fcl\u00f6n is meghat\u00e1rozhat\u00f3. A glob\u00e1lis kl\u00edmav\u00e1ltoz\u00e1s \u00f6sszetev\u0151inek vizsg\u00e1lat\u00e1val a kutat\u00f3k meg\u00e1llap\u00edtj\u00e1k, hogy a n\u00f6v\u00e9nyfajt\u00e1k mik\u00e9nt reag\u00e1lnak a megn\u00f6velt l\u00e9gk\u00f6ri sz\u00e9n-dioxid-koncentr\u00e1ci\u00f3ra, a megemelt h\u0151m\u00e9rs\u00e9kletre, a v\u00edz hi\u00e1ny\u00e1ra \u00e9s az ezek \u00e1ltal egy\u00fcttesen kiv\u00e1ltott stresszhelyzetekre. ","description_en":"In the climate chambers of the Phytotron, climatic conditions occurring in any part of the Earth can be modelled, and the environmental factors important to plant life can be controlled. The effect of certain elements of the climate on plant life can be determined separately. By examining the components of global climate change, researchers can find out how plant varieties respond to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, elevated temperatures, lack of water, and the stress situations that they bring.","images":[{"image_id":53,"image_title_hu":"Fitotron csarnok az \u00e9p\u00fcletben","image_title_en":"Climate chamber hall","image_name":"10.1.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":22,"outside_main_content_id":10,"title_hu":"F\u00e9nymennyezet","title_en":"Light ceiling","description_hu":"Modul\u00e1lhat\u00f3 LED f\u00e9nymennyezetek seg\u00edts\u00e9g\u00e9vel megval\u00f3s\u00edthat\u00f3 a f\u00e9ny spektrum\u00e1nak programoz\u00e1sa is. Jelenleg csak nagyon limit\u00e1ltan haszn\u00e1lhat\u00f3ak ilyen pontosan szab\u00e1lyozhat\u00f3 hull\u00e1mhossz\u00fa f\u00e9ny kibocs\u00e1t\u00e1s\u00e1ra k\u00e9pes, gabonaf\u00e9l\u00e9k nevel\u00e9s\u00e9re is alkalmas n\u00f6v\u00e9nynevel\u0151 kamr\u00e1k, a k\u00eds\u00e9rleti infrastrukt\u00fara \u00faj fot\u00f3biol\u00f3giai kutat\u00e1si ir\u00e1ny elind\u00edt\u00e1s\u00e1t tette lehet\u0151v\u00e9. A j\u00f6v\u0151ben a n\u00f6v\u00e9nyek fejletts\u00e9gi \u00e1llapot\u00e1t\u00f3l \u00e9s faji saj\u00e1toss\u00e1gait\u00f3l f\u00fcgg\u0151 optim\u00e1lis nevel\u00e9si programokat is kik\u00eds\u00e9rletezhetnek a kutat\u00f3k.","description_en":"It is also possible to program the light spectrum with the help of modular LED light ceilings. At present, plant cultivation chambers suitable for producing cereals that are capable of delivering light with precisely controllable wavelengths can only be used to a very limited extent, and this experimental infrastructure has enabled the launch of a new photo-biology research concept. Researchers will also be able to find optimal plant growth programs depending on the developmental state of the plants and their characteristics.","images":[{"image_id":54,"image_title_hu":"K\u00eds\u00e9rletek UV-f\u00e9nnyel","image_title_en":"Experiments with UV light","image_name":"10.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":55,"image_title_hu":"Egy kl\u00edmaf\u00fclke f\u00e9nymennyezete","image_title_en":"Light ceiling of a climate chamber","image_name":"10.2.2.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":23,"outside_main_content_id":11,"title_hu":"Angyalkert","title_en":"Angels' garden","description_hu":"1828. j\u00fanius 1-j\u00e9n megny\u00edlt az els\u0151 magyarorsz\u00e1gi \u00f3voda, Angyalkert n\u00e9ven a mai Mik\u00f3 \u00e9s Attila utca sark\u00e1n, Brunszvik Ter\u00e9z \u00e9desanyja budai h\u00e1z\u00e1ban. A magyarorsz\u00e1gi \u00f3vodai mozgalom, a k\u00f6z\u00e9p-eur\u00f3pai kisded\u00f3v\u00f3 mozgalom kiindul\u00f3pontj\u00e1v\u00e1 lett. Az els\u0151 n\u00e9gy \u00f3vod\u00e1t szem\u00e9lyesen igazgatta, m\u00edg 1832-ben J\u00f3zsef n\u00e1dor a Budai J\u00f3t\u00e9kony N\u0151egylet, illetve a pesti magisztr\u00e1tus fel\u00fcgyelete al\u00e1 nem helyezte \u0151ket.\r\nBrunszvik Ter\u00e9z \u00e9vekig nevelte, tan\u00edtotta t\u00f6bbek k\u00f6zt h\u00faga, Jozefin gyermekeit, foglalkozott a h\u00e1ztart\u00e1s\u00e1ba felvett le\u00e1nyokkal. Unokah\u00faga Teleki Blanka az \u0151 hat\u00e1s\u00e1ra alap\u00edtott nevel\u0151int\u00e9zetet f\u0151rang\u00fa le\u00e1nyok nevel\u00e9se c\u00e9lj\u00e1b\u00f3l.\r\nVallotta, hogy \u201ea legkor\u00e1bbi nevel\u00e9s a legfontosabb\u201d, \u00e9s \u201eAz any\u00e1kra van sz\u00fcks\u00e9g\u00fck a kisded\u00f3v\u00f3knak! Az emberis\u00e9g fele n\u0151!\u201d Az \u00f3voda els\u0151 \u00f3v\u00f3-nevel\u0151je Weldy J\u00f3zsef volt.\r\nAz \u00f3vod\u00e1kban az \u0151rz\u00e9sen, gondoz\u00e1son k\u00edv\u00fcl bet\u0171ismeret \u00e9s olvas\u00e1s tan\u00edt\u00e1sa, valamint vall\u00e1stani ismeretek elsaj\u00e1t\u00edt\u00e1sa is folyt, az els\u0151 id\u0151ben n\u00e9met nyelven.\r\n1840-re m\u00e1r 80 \u00f3voda m\u0171k\u00f6d\u00f6tt.\r\n","description_en":"The first Hungarian kindergarten was opened on 1 June 1828 under the name \u2018Angels\u2019 garden\u2019 in the house of Theresa Brunszvik's mother in Buda, in Mik\u00f3 street. The Hungarian kindergarten movement became the starting point for Central European kindergarten movements. Theresa Brunszvik managed the first four kindergartens personally until they were placed under the supervision of Buda Charity Women's Association by Palatine Joseph in 1832. Theresa Brunszvik cared for and educated, among other things, the children of her sister, Josephine. Her niece, Blanca Teleki founded the first Hungarian boarding school for girls. She believed that \u2018early education is the most important\u2019 and \u2018kindergartens need mothers! Half of mankind are women! \u201dThe first kindergarten teacher was J\u00f3zsef Weldy. In kindergartens, besides guarding and caring, the teaching of writing and reading as well as acquiring religious knowledge took place in German for the first time. By 1840, there were 80 kindergartens in Hungary.","images":[{"image_id":56,"image_title_hu":"Itt \u00e1llt az els\u0151 magyarorsz\u00e1gi \u00f3voda, az Angyalkert","image_title_en":"This is where the first Hungarian kindergarten called \u2018Angels\u2019 garden\u2019 was located at.","image_name":"11.1.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":24,"outside_main_content_id":11,"title_hu":"A Brunszvik-csal\u00e1d","title_en":"The Brunszvik family","description_hu":"A klasszicista kript\u00e1t 1793 k\u00f6r\u00fcl \u00e9p\u00edtett\u00e9k, s t\u00edzn\u00e9l t\u00f6bben itt temetkeztek el a csal\u00e1db\u00f3l. A h\u00e1bor\u00fa idej\u00e9n a szovjet katon\u00e1k bet\u00f6rtek, kincseket keresve, kiborogatt\u00e1k a kopors\u00f3kat. Az eml\u00e9kez\u00e9sek szerint napokig hevertek a temet\u0151 kapuj\u00e1ban a Brunszvikok, k\u00f6zt\u00fck Ter\u00e9z, akinek mumifik\u00e1l\u00f3dott teste \u00e9pen megmaradt. (V\u00e1cduk\u00e1n halt meg 1861-ben, 86 \u00e9vesen, s sz\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa miatt konzerv\u00e1lt\u00e1k). Az 1960-as \u00e9vekben ism\u00e9t restaur\u00e1lt\u00e1k porh\u00fcvely\u00e9t, a kopors\u00f3 val\u00f3sz\u00edn\u0171leg nagyapj\u00e1\u00e9 volt, amelybe 1945-ben tett\u00e9k. \u0150 pihen a kripta k\u00f6zep\u00e9n. A gr\u00f3fi Brunszvik csal\u00e1d G\u00e9z\u00e1val 1899-ben f\u00e9rfi\u00e1gon kihalt. N\u0151v\u00e9re, M\u00e1ria volt a Brunszvik nevet visel\u0151 utols\u00f3 csal\u00e1dtag, aki a birtok elad\u00e1sakor magyar \u00e1llampolg\u00e1rs\u00e1g\u00e1t is feladta, a hely ir\u00e1nti k\u00f6t\u0151d\u00e9se jelek\u00e9nt azonban v\u00e9grendelet\u00e9ben a martonv\u00e1s\u00e1ri \u00f3vod\u00e1ra \u00e9s az iskol\u00e1ra is jelent\u0151s \u00f6sszeget hagyott. \u0150 is, G\u00e9za is az itteni s\u00edrboltban nyugszanak.\r\nA Brunszvik-kripta olt\u00e1rk\u00e9pe Brunszvik Ter\u00e9z \u00e9s Teleki Blanka \u0151rangyal\u00e1t \u00e1br\u00e1zolja (A Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1ron \u00e9l\u0151 Kov\u00e1cs Erzs\u00e9bet \u00e9s Zolt\u00e1n Gy\u0151z\u0151 iparm\u0171v\u00e9szek alkot\u00e1sa, 1996)\r\n","description_en":"The classicist crypt was built around 1793, and more than ten members of the family were buried here. During the war, Soviet soldiers broke into the crypt and emptied the coffins, looking for treasures. According to the reminiscences, the corpses of the members of the Brunszvik family, including Theresa whose mummified body remained intact, were lying for days at the gate. (She died in V\u00e1cduka in 1861, at the age of 86, and was conserved for transport). In the 1960s, her corpse was restored again. She is resting in the middle of the crypt. The count Brunszvik family have become\u00a0extinct\u00a0in the male line with G\u00e9za who died in 1899. His sister, Mary, was the last member of the family called Brunszvik, who also gave up her Hungarian citizenship at the time of the sale of the estate, but left a considerable amount of money in her will to the kindergarten and school in Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r as a sign of her attachment to the place. She and G\u00e9za also rest in the crypt. The altarpiece of Brunszvik crypt depicts the guardian angel of Theresa Brunszvik and Blanca Teleki (the work of Erzs\u00e9bet Kov\u00e1cs and Gy\u0151z\u0151 Zolt\u00e1n industrial designers, 1996)","images":[{"image_id":57,"image_title_hu":"A csal\u00e1di kripta Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1ron","image_title_en":"Brunszvik crypt in Martonv\u00e1s\u00e1r","image_name":"11.2.1.jpg"},{"image_id":58,"image_title_hu":"A Brunszvik-csal\u00e1d c\u00edmere","image_title_en":"Coat of arms of the Brunszvik family","image_name":"11.2.2.jpg"}],"sounds":[]},{"id":25,"outside_main_content_id":11,"title_hu":"Szelfizz Brunszvik Ter\u00e9zzel!","title_en":"Take a selfie with Theresa Brunszvik","description_hu":"Nyomj a kamera ikonra, fordulj meg \u00e9s ir\u00e1ny\u00edtsd a telefonod a Brunszvik Ter\u00e9z szoborra!","description_en":"Touch the camera icon and point your phone to the statue of Theresa Brunszvik","images":[{"image_id":59,"image_title_hu":"Brunszvik Ter\u00e9z szobor","image_title_en":"Statue of Theresa Brunszvik","image_name":"11.3.1.jpg"}],"sounds":[]}]}