Local history exhibition in the II. district in Budapest
Digitalisation with unique, interactive solutions.
Extraordinary experiences in digital.
With DIVIT solutions, we give you interactive tools to showcase your company, your product or your exhibition in an impressive way. With digital tools, there are no limits to your creativity in space or time. And if you don’t know which of our products will help you get the best out of your presentation, you can count on our colleagues. Come into the future with us,stay ahead of the competition and use the tools that will make your presentation unforgettable.
Digitalisation with unique, interactive solutions.
Extraordinary experiences in digital.
With DIVIT solutions, we give you interactive tools to showcase your company, your product or your exhibition in an impressive way. With digital tools, there are no limits to your creativity in space or time. And if you don’t know which of our products will help you get the best out of your presentation, you can count on our colleagues. Come into the future with us,stay ahead of the competition and use the tools that will make your presentation unforgettable.
It’s not just kids who love to play! Interactive games have become almost indispensable. With these games, museums can deepen the information about their exhibitions, making a visit an experience for all ages.
A well-designed interactive game can also bring countless benefits to companies. Instead of a template for company presentations, games can make learning about your company’s activities and its greatest values.
Local history exhibition in the II. district in Budapest
Laczkó Dezső Museum – Veszprém
Fine Arts Exhibition – Kecskemét
DIVIT experience terminal in the Petőfi House in Pápa
An interactive exhibition presenting the years of Attila József in Makó.
Lafarge turns 10 years old!
Have a question? Contact us! We offer a free consultation!
Phone: +36 72 769-102E-mail:
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