Local history exhibition in the II. district in Budapest
Digitalisation with unique, interactive solutions.
Extraordinary experiences in digital.
With DIVIT solutions, we give you interactive tools to showcase your company, your product or your exhibition in an impressive way. With digital tools, there are no limits to your creativity in space or time. And if you don’t know which of our products will help you get the best out of your presentation, you can count on our colleagues. Come into the future with us,stay ahead of the competition and use the tools that will make your presentation unforgettable.
Digitalisation with unique, interactive solutions.
Extraordinary experiences in digital.
With DIVIT solutions, we give you interactive tools to showcase your company, your product or your exhibition in an impressive way. With digital tools, there are no limits to your creativity in space or time. And if you don’t know which of our products will help you get the best out of your presentation, you can count on our colleagues. Come into the future with us,stay ahead of the competition and use the tools that will make your presentation unforgettable.
Local history exhibition in the II. district in Budapest
Laczkó Dezső Museum – Veszprém
Central and Eastern European Chinese Science and Technology Association
For the National Theatre of Pécs we photographed the auditorium in 360 degrees and put it on a website. The site greatly helps in choosing seats for
The 3D viewer module is a greenfield development within the National Building Register.
EIM is a webshop-like application that builds on the services of several specialised systems and registers.
Interactive controls, digital content, animations, sounds and models bring the history and geography atlas to life before your eyes. Digital mixed reality tables allow you to take virtual tours and explore places without being limited by space or time.
We can wander around Kőszeg, not only to discover the streets, but also to find out about programmes and events of interest to us.
In Regulyversum, we can follow Reguly's entire journey in the Ural Mountains, and at the stops we can also take a break to read diary entries, look at pictures and watch videos.
The digital mixed reality table is not only a great choice for museums. It is a creative way for businesses with larger or more locations to present their company and pass on information about their company in a memorable and interesting way.
It's not just kids who love to play! Interactive games have become almost indispensable. With these games, museums can deepen the information about their exhibitions, making a visit an experience for all ages.
A well-designed interactive game can also bring countless benefits to companies. Instead of a template for company presentations, games can make learning about your company's activities and its greatest values.
The DIVIT wall is a digital tool that allows you to present information about your exhibition, gallery or even your company in an interactive and eye-catching way. The DIVIT wall can be used to illustrate timelines and connections, but it is also ideal for interactive games.
Some things simply look good in big! A big picture is a truly spectacular element that covers walls, ceilings and even floors, and can be the crowning glory of your exhibition. At the Hungarian Genius travelling exhibition, you can find yourself in the middle of a map, and in addition to the magical space, you can also enrich yourself with a wealth of information.
What if we showed you a telescope that could even take you back in time? In Martonvásár, if you look out of the window through our virtual telescope, you can see how the gardens of the castle have changed through the ages. With thetelescopes, you can not only jump through time, but also through space, and in a moment you'll find yourself on the shores of a lake. Again, the only limit is your creativity.
Your partners, customers, colleagues can experience shooting in a virtual environment with a real device through our custom designed software. You can complete the programme in a safe environment, yet with the same experience. You can enhance the shooting experience by changing the virtual environment. In Kunszentmárton, for example, you can try out what it was like to be a real outlaw. The possibilities are endless and the experience is unrivalled.
This mirror is different from the one you're used to. The virtual mirror lets you see yourself as you've never seen before. You can look into it and see yourself in folk costume, as an old kindergartener, or even on the runway of an airport with planes circling overhead. You can even show off your company in a way that's truly memorable. And you can offer your visitors a truly personal experience of the past in your exhibition.
Have a question? Contact us! We offer a free consultation!
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